¶The First Story¶

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Priya knew she would be the next to leave. She couldn't remember any Indian girl who had gone through an obstacle course, let alone one with a time limit. How would she climb two hills, crawl under a wide net, and balance her weight on a see-saw thing under five minutes? She didn't even know how to swim, yet a makeshift swimming pool stood across her. Playing escape room collided with her plans of fame, because this couldn't be legal to produce or view in America. Could it? This was supposed to be a reality TV show, with all the pomp and glitter, not a try to survive, and while you're at that beat the time show. The rational part of Priya's brain knew she had once done something like this, thanks to her father and his need to train children who could survive anywhere. She and Ashanti had gone along with it, knowing he felt lonely as the only male in the household.

Right now, Florian was running (or hop-running) with one leg over the bells attached to the ground trying not to hit any of them. Unfortunately, he hit one and went back to start over while his time furiously ran. After him, she was next all thanks to her luck at drawing lots. She was number three, out of eleven just after Eryk and Florian. Priya turned to look at him as he sat on the ground watching Florian, he didn't even seem tired instead he looked ready to go for another round. She could use some of his energy, she already felt drained. She faced the other housemates, glad she wasn't the only one with jittery nerves, all four girls looked ready to faint but not Lola. Priya stifled a laugh, her rainbow hair was tied tightly in a ponytail causing her eyebrows to draw up and make her frowning face look even worse. It didn't help that she was wearing a light blue top and joggers which made her resemble an angry sky.

"Priya, you're up." Mr. Han's voice brought Priya's mind back to the game. She nodded and carried herself and her racing heart to the beginning platform.

When the buzzer sounded, Priya's legs moved forward with such urgency it was hard to believe the order came from her brain. Within seconds, she climbed the first hill through to its other side and next was the pull up bars attached to the ceiling. She quickly scaled through that one, already used to climbing windows and bars for fun and she continued moving until she got to the pool. The pool was about ten feet long and half of that in width, of course it would be too deep to wade across, so she had to swim across it and continue the course. She sat down at the edge and dipped her legs in, super cold but there was no choice. It was either she found a way to move across or forfeit and leave. The timer was ticking, and everyone's eyes were on her; she couldn't afford to go back to India so this better work.

Priya decided to take a leap of faith, wishing with all her might that she wouldn't have to call for help flailing around in the water. She surrendered her whole weight to the water and pushed forward like it wasn't her first time. Priya felt like she wasn't the one in control, but there was no time to complain. In little time, she got to the other side and continued the obstacle course, ending with climbing over the second hill and pressing the buzzer.

Her timer stopped at three minutes and twenty seconds, not bad. Others might flop and if she was eliminated, at least she did her best. The other housemates clapped as she walked back towards them, some giving her a thumbs-up.

"I need to exercise more." Priya mumbled as she sat down, ready to watch the other housemates do the course. But something nagged at her, how could she suddenly swim?


The results came in after everyone finished; Penny had the most time with four minutes and thirty seconds and when Mr. Han confirmed she would be leaving, she sighed and turned to Ace. "Will you come help me pack?"

He instantly nodded and watched her as she went off, her shoulders slightly sagged as Mr. Han addressed them. "Good job to the ten of you still in the house, but there's still much to be done. Your next game will be on the 21st, two days from now. Goodnight and goodluck."

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