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Chapter 2

Orbii woke up, looked at the calendar, and sighed. He then looked at the clock and realized he was late. He started searching for something, the sound made Oorbo wake up.

"Orbii, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready for work, I just don't know where my nametag is."

"Really? It's Saturday already? I thought it was Friday."

"You should really keep track of what day it is. You know I work on the weekends."

"Ya I know that.. Also I thought you left your nametag on the kitchen table."

Orbii went into the kitchen and found his nametag. He came back into the bedroom and thanked him.

"Oh, thank you," he laughed. "Alright well I'm leaving. I won't be back until 4 pm, there's food in the fridge but you'll have to make it yourself. Make sure you study for your math exam and please don't trash the place while I'm gone."

"Alright," Oorbo said as he laid back down.

"And make sure you get some sunlight today too, ok?"

Then Orbii left and shut the front door.

Oorbo watched through the screen door as Orbii flew away.

After he flew away, Oorbo went back to sleep. Eventually he started dreaming. The dream started with a group of saplings popping up suddenly over a large field of grass. Some saplings grew to be full grown trees, but there was one sapling that grew to be larger than the other trees. It made all the others grow but lose their leaves. Then another sapling popped up and grew to be even larger. Immediately all the other trees withered. The ground dried up, becoming barren and gray. The sky turned red and the wind ominously howled over the colorless, dry terrain.

Oorbo suddenly woke up, slightly panting. His body was drained of it's color. He put his hand over his head and wondered what that dream was. Slowly his color changed back to his normal turquoise color as he calmed down. He then looked at the time and realized he needed to start doing his homework. Before he did, however, he went to the bathroom then made himself something to eat in the kitchen and sat on the loveseat adjacent from the bunk bed to eat. Afterwards, he picked up his book bag and took out his spherifinish homework and math notebook. He sat at the table below the wall clock, turned on the table lamp, and started doing his homework. Once he finished his spherifinish homework, he studied the math notes in his book. After studying for a while, he got up and made himself some lunch. He then sat on the bottom bunk where Orbii sleeps and turned on the tv.

On tv, the new leader, Spherrubi, was about to make his inauguration speech. Oorbo watched as he came up to the podium and started talking.


Spherrubi looked over at the sea of spherians waiting to hear his speech.

He cleared his throat.

"I'm glad to see everyone here today. Now, before we begin, I would like to give attention to Chief Justice Tyrian, Speaker Burgundy, Chief of Staff Ao, Chief Official Debian, Chief Advisor Napier, all the distinguished officials, and my fellow spherians.

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