3- Might Get To Say Goodbye To My Loneliness

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Emma's P.O.V

After I looked through the library for the millionth time, I sighed, and headed back up to the common room.

I sat in the corner, pulling out the latest book I was reading ('Pax' by Sara Pennypacker), and continued reading it. But as I read, I lost focus. Sure, it's a good book... but at the moment it wasn't a book I was needing to calm my raging mind.

I looked around the common room sadly over the top of my book. No one glanced my way. Lily was preoccupied with her friends, and didn't remember me. I felt empty, watching people so full of happiness and life... while I was already dying inside. Already dead, even. I sighed, and lifted my book just a little higher to block out the common room.

--The Next Day--

Everything was going perfectly normal until Transfigurations, where Minnie decided to change up the seating chart.

"...Clematis Evans is sitting next to Sirius Black, Lord help us. James Potter is sitting next to Lily Evans..." She continued. I went to sit next to Sirius, who was glaring at... it looked like he was glaring at the other three Marauders. Much to my confusion. "Now, today we'll be focussed on animagi. Can someone please tell me what that is?" She asked. I raised my hand, along with Lily, Potter, and Sirius (Potter and Sirius are the only Marauders in my class). "Yes, Ms. Emma?" She asked.

"An animgus, or animagi for plural is a human that can transform into an animal at will. Only one, and the animal represents how you, yourself are. Your ideals, personality traits, ect." I explained. She nodded.

"Excellent explanation, 5 points to Gryffindor. Now, can someone explain what markings on an animagus could mean?" She asked. Potter, Black, Lily and I once again raised our hands. She decided to call on Potter.

"Markings for an animgus is something that an animal of that kind wouldn't usually have. For each one it's different." He explained tiredly. I had a feeling that he was just raising his hand to impress Lily, but he was right. Minnie nodded.

"Another 5 points to Gryffindor..." She said, and continued to say that we would be doing the entire class on animagi. Than she transformed into a cat as a demonstration, and back again. She looked at me subtley (Black still noticed), and I shook my head, playing the action off like I had a hair in my mouth so the rest of the class wouldn't suspect. The class continued without a hitch.

"Now, try to guess what your animagi would be. The guidelines are on your desk." She said. I internally groaned. I jinxed it. Black seemed amused by my expression, barely hiding his laughter in favor of not getting another detention. 

After looking over the guidelines, I came to the conclusion that Black would be a, well, black dog.

"I think your animagi would be a black dog. You?" I asked him. He was surprised, but hid it well.

"I would say yours would be a fox." He said. I hid my own surprise.

"I want a 3 page essay on the reasons why you chose that particular animal as their animagi form." Minnie said after about 20 minutes. "And Ms. Emma, please come talk to me, please." She said as the bell rang. I nodded, and gathered my stuff like everyone else, but instead of heading to the doors, I headed over to Minnie. But I had a feeling that someone was watching me. I heard the rustle of fabric, even, but no one was there when I took a glance.

"What is it, Professor?" I asked.

"You do recall that it is against the rules to stop going to meals?" She asked me gently. I paused for a moment before nodding.

"Yes." I answered. "But I've been eating in the kitchens-" I added.

"I know you've been eating, what I'm worried about is your lack of actual human interaction with people your age." She said kindly, yet sternly. I deflated, but nodded. "From now on, eat in the Great Hall." She said. "This is your first warning." She added. I nodded again.

"Understood, Professor." I said. As she left for her office, I heard people again.

"Shh, will you stop stepping on my foot Prongs?" Asked an irritated Black.

"Will you shut up? She'll hear us!" Potter hissed. Both seemingly coming out of nowhere. They where shushed by two others, also seemingly coming out of nowhere. As I walked out of the classroom, they followed me.

I got an idea, and went up to the seventh floor corridor. They continued following me, curious. I paced seven times, focusing hard on cornering them. The door appeared like always. I went in, and they followed. 

Immediately, the door closed, sealing itself to everyone but me. I dashed behind them, and held my wand out, pointing it at them.

"Take off the invisibility cloak, Marauders." I said with an edge to my voice.

"I guess I was right with the fox." Black remarked as they took off the invisibility cloak.

"So... who are you?" Potter asked curiously.

"Clematis, but my sisters called me Emma." I said.

"Last name?" Peter asked hesitantly. My lips pursed due to my own discomfort of the subject. It's not that I'm not proud to be an Evans... it's how my family seems to have forgotten I exist that makes it hard.

"It doesn't matter." I snapped. "Why were you following me?" I asked them.

"We were curious." Black said, his voice squeaking ever so slightly in fear.

"As to what?" I questioned them.

"Why someone as studious as you had been asked to stay for a few minutes with Minnie?" Potter said, but he sounded almost uncertain. I accepted that answer, but I wanted more of them.

"Why would someone as popular as you lot care about a nobody like me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. They seemed like they wanted to shout that I wasn't a nobody.

"Well, for one, your a prankster, like us-" Black started.

"Troublemaker. There's a difference." I muttered.

"Sorry, troublemaker, for two, you seem lonely, and we're not horrible people." Black finished. My brain stopped dead in it's overthinking tracks, and went blank. The Marauders... were worried. About me. That made no sense.

"Is she dead?" Potter- er, I guess he's earned first name rights now, so James- asked.

"No, she's spaced out." Remus said, rolling his eyes at his friends obliviousness.


That night in my dorm, I lay awake thinking that my life might not be as lonely as it has been for what seems like forever.


A/N Hope you liked this! If you have any suggestions, please tell me in the comments! : )

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