*°⋆ B O R E D O M || I mean: Taggiessss!!!!!!! ⋆°*

384 3 17

Like I said, random shit. :)

ok nvm



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1. IDK-  Dolphin? Or maybe dog- Oh hb hamster or a kitten- :00

2. No idea. Maybe purple- or blue-  or maybe green. Mostly pastel thou .w.

3. No clue-  Def GiyuShino thou lmao

4. Netflix (partly cos i've no idea what's Hulu-)

5. Yue. Definitely Yue (atm). [Will be introduced soon-]
But for published ones then.... Charlotte!

6. Bleh, simple brown-black :/

7. My dream world. Like fr. One time I had this anime x real life crossover dream. I had random anime characters(some idek) with random rl ppl (i know). BUT!!!!! I had  M u i c h i r o u  in my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like srsly. I was so happy y'know, I talked to him & shit. uwuwuwuwu then i woke up-  so yeah. def dream world. or anime world. idk.

8. Instagram. I don't use Snapchat lol

9. IDK-  But will obvs be GiyuShino fic (maybe w/lemons ;)? )
On wattpad, it'll 99.99% be a fic
In rl, i've no idea-

10. N o t h i n g. i read instead- ;-;  but i'm waiting for the nxt KNY movie- uwuwuwuuw

11. S l e e p.  I mean c'mon, it's obvs from KNY that sleep is  g o o d. :D
(See? I  can learn from anime!)

12. Disney. Wait no- Nick. Disney is sexist-

13. No clue-

14. Berri. IDK, I call myself that :00

15. Nah. Not sure if I even want to tbh-

Yay! Finished! Idc if I put idk/no clue/idea for most of them haha :P ANyways, time for the pingssssss:













Yeah I got lazy-
Sorry for pinging if you're busy but like I, I stan y'all so 🥺🥺🥺 ignore my stupidity-
(like i was gonna ping more but then i was like: should i????)


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