*°⋆ OML, tagged again || GaSp⋆°*

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1.  Kimetsu No Yaiba , Recap Movie 3   Muichirou was there

2. Nah nah, I don't like any actors.  But if VAs are included, then Zenitsu's VA lol.

3. The movie where Shinobu & Muichirou die.  It will exist I swear.

4. None

5+7. GiyuShino & Muichirou x Y/N fics  uwu

6+8. Uhm, I don't mean it in a rude way but  ><:
GiyuuTan || ShinoTan || TanNezu || TanGoku (Rengoku x Tanjirou) || Tanjirou x (any demons) || Tanjirou x (any other 18+ chara.s) fics
Not vv sure of a couple of the ship names but yeah-  ://

9. Changes all the time but currently, I love listening to playlists from a YTuber called Just Music文歌   ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVK8HWLiPR2ZWqwO9gKNcg )

TAGGIESSSSSSSSSSS (only tagging close friends/friends/free ppl/followers this time):


ISTG, every time I tag ppl I sweat-drop  😭😭😭
Oh and, I was tagged by celestialbluebird20  :33

BTW y'all, let's not ignore the picture for this chapter uwu
Not my bby showing off his  a b s  in front of his Yuchirou while he was eating ramen xDD
(Not me changing that to my pfp -- 14/11/2021)

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