*°⋆ Taggiessss!!!!!!! || Got tagged oml :DD⋆°*

138 5 30

Tagged by: celestialbluebird20

(lmao can't download the picture so i'll type it out-  u g h  ;-;)

1. What's Your Name?

Cool name right? :DD Yeah no, I'm not revealing my real name ;)

2. Gender?
Female pronouns

3. Date Of Birth?
What is this? Apply for a passport? :/

4. Sexuality?
No clue. Straight ig?  :00

5. Fav. colour(s)?
No idea-  Mostly pastel ones haha :DD

6. Favourite No(s).?
Mmm...... 3, 7, 33, 37, 73, 77 (call me superstitious but yes :D)
AND..... 69 ;) (or smth like 696969 or 6996)
Mostly ones underlined thou-

7. Fandom(s)?
A n i m e

8. Fav. Song(s)?

IDK, changes all the time. Currently....

Tik tok (no, not the app. yes, there's a song called "tik tok")
Replay ( s w a g )
Mood ( mOOd)

9. Fav. Movie/Series?
No idea. 
[Demon Slayer - Recap Movie 3] ig?  Not [Mugen Train] cos I'll cry-

10. Fav. Celebrity(/ies)?
Lemme just change that to:
10. Fav. Anime Celebrity(/ies)?
Hmm..... Muichirou Tokito , Giyuu Tomioka (I'm sure "someone" will agree w/me) & Tanjirou Kamado.
Okay but really, human celebrity?  Maybe Zenitsu's VA? xD

13. Love Interest?
(y'all should know my answer-)
Does anime count? ;) 

14. Guilty Pleasure?
*s m i r k* Let me make it very clear:

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬
𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚜

15. Friend Group (& Tag 15 People (why so many- ;-;))?
Online: No clue if they consider me as their friends-  (but some do)
Rl: Not saying  ;)

T A G   Y O U ' R E   I T   ! ! !

1. Kawaiifck
2. FebiBlackWolfy2009Ga
3. NaomiLilac
5. IsabellaxLeslie
6. Moonlight_Katana
7. 77Elaine77
8. yqshvro
9. HuiLuke
10. Mintchoclatechip29
11. InfernoDevil666
12. Midnight_Loyalty
13. Dalilayc
14. PeppermintSwirlCandy
15. BerriAnime

So I realise that I pinged people who:
1. May be busy
2. Pinged by me b4
3. Pinged by celestialbluebird20 already
so uh-  sorry-  :"/
And yes, I know I pinged myself, I'm  s w a g  enough to do that ;)
plus idk who else to ping haha


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