☆⁺˚* Underated- >:00 || Stan them uwuwuwu ⁺˚*☆

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I've read many GiyuShino stories & some of the authors are so underated like omg-

Off the top of my head....

HER!!!!  PeppermintSwirlCandy  :00

She wrote so well & has so many views but way too less followers- bsjdnaknsofpsnin something's wrong w/the readers-

Uh next... OH YES

HIM!!! ZenitsuNeedsSpoiling

Y'all kidding me? Quality over quantity y'all :/  Each chapter from his story is long af & so good. (Not to mention there's lemon but we're getting off topic. or r we? ;00)

Okay and.... OH RIGHTTTT

AND NaomiLilac

She's so sweet & nice. Her story is so  F I N E  too. :DD


cremjl6532  back from hiatus & her stories are  S W A G. Notice I said "stories" - PLURAL

ElizabethWeeb123 is poggers too omfg-  Stories are unique af- :00

DJKPHOP - Stories are too hilraious. My stomach hurts-

So yeah.  More stuff:
Almost every story I read(GiyuShino :D), I meet at least 3-4 of them. Guess who. :00
Their so underated that I'm gonna spontaneously combust. Omg, look @me using science terms outside of sch-  The horror-


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