ch 22: finally out

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The world started breaking, just like the way it happens in anime, when a character comes out of an illusion. As if a hammer had smashed through the walls of glass. I was back in this world, which was now mine. The heat cycle was also over, atleast i couldn't feel any effects of it right now. The core ball had developed a few cracks, slowly starting to break down, and then it burst into pieces, dissolving the dungeon with itself, like it never existed in the first place.

As the scene shifted, I was greeted by my one and only companion, who carried me throughout the journey. I guess i missed this place... A bit. Took me an hour to get out, but felt like days inside.

"It looks like we are outside"

"Where are you going to go next?"
"The border? I guess, this country won't let me stay in peace. I would take a look at my properties and probably start a buisness."

"Wait, I have a better idea~~wanna dethrone the royal family and capture this country??"

"Good id-- no, what? This country is quite a huge pain in the arse already. Moreover it's a prime member of the conservative faction, more than a third of the world would turn against us, which means that we would be starting the seventh world war"

"Ehh... But that's no fun."

"You sure you are a divine beast? Sometimes you sound like a demon king from some b-rated anime"

"Well, I never thought of myself as one of those holy fetishists, demon King's rather a good position to be compared to. btw what's an Ah-nee-may?"
Ahh sh"t.

"It's like a puppet show or a theatre, a place where humans do act like they are living inside a story and act like that"


"W-Who's there!!" A voice from the woods echoed. Why did the genre change into horror all of a sudden?

"But why are we hiding behind the bush" this guy always speaks at the worst moment, i hissed him to silence. It's important to keep your mouth shut at times like these

"Whoever it is, please come out, otherwise we will need to take action" the soldier spoke from the woods, he looks so scared that he is going to pee his pants soon. Totally like a horror movie protagonist.
But what's a soldier doing here? Don't tell me- its the time of the inspection of resources. This country- it seems would never let me rest in peace.

"Hey, can you...transform into your beast form right now?" Huh, where did he go?

"Which tiny pest dares to intrude into this territory of mine?" How did he go from here to there in a second, and that too without even arguing.

The scared soldier wet himself and ran away, screaming out the names and prayers of each and every god worshipped in this world. 😂😂
Wow... So this is how every ghost feels like? Damn, I can do this every single day.
Servant POV.

The duchy of Azaleas has undergone a drastic change ever since the young master has left the mansion. The duke has started his damage control measures by pretending to be sad and locking himself, then using the young master's departure as a political scapegoat to show how much he was valued in this house, but as someone who has been working here since day one, I digress.

The young master has never received even an ounce of affection by this family. That beacon of hope, which with his kindness and maturity brought the blessings of the sun god on the country, has been tossed aside like no other. Like an old servant, who gets kicked out by the master with nowhere to go. It seems as if this country is headed towards doom.

The young lord(Alistair's brother) cries and sometimes hugs the potraits of the young master, which sends shivers down my spine. After all that he has done to make sure that the young master had a hard time in this house, he weeps like a heartbroken young swain who has been left behind by his lover. I pray thee, the god of judgement sees and hears it all.

The Duchess, meanwhile indulges in lavish parties, and is having the best time of her life, as if her worries never existed. The nation celebrates the engagement of the crown prince with those damned Foxtens, not knowing what gem of a queen they have lost. The clouds of a great storm are slowly looming over the head of this country.

Six months have passed, ever since that fateful day, when the young master been kicked out of the fiefdom. The mistreatment of the golden Horned tribe and the corruption of the Füsten territory has become a great diplomatic issue, as the good deeds of the young master continues to be exposed, the country has gone ever enraged at the royal family and the nobles of the crown prince faction. There are talks of his exile and disinheritance to save the already down reputation of the country.

The mansion has entered another uproar, as the title deed of some important territory has gone missing. While the mistreatment of the young master is slowly being brought to light, after all, you can't keep lying forever, with which the duchy has been politically isolated.

Hello everyone...
It's the author again, with another update after such a long time.
I hadn't had the courage to write further as I was in the plot- lost phase.
And guess what? I got inspiration for like 10 more chapters after I found out that i would be having exams soon.

(Well, I started this book sometime ago, when I was in the danger of exams (which never happened), and i am continuing it under the danger of college exams, i guess my writing inspiration has something to do with exams and stress levels)...

More updates coming soon(if I sneak some time out of my schedule like today)

Thank you so much for reading the chapter!!(◕ᴗ◕✿)

We will meet again in the next!

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