ch 23: good news and bad news

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What you even mean by "let go of all that holds you back in the previous world?". How can I even let go of you all? No one cares about me in this world. It's full of strangers who are just looking for a chance to come after my life. Who will look after the graves of my parents after i am gone? What will happen to my dear nephews? How-- just how can I leave everything behind like that?

I know that i would be naive if i disregard the fact that this world isn't just a fantasy ripoff or a novel with magic and swords, but it's real. Those monsters, that dungeon and the fact that I have to survive despite a drama family chasing after me. I feel so alone in all of this. Never has it been this suffocating.

That prince, the people everything is real and existing, living and breathing.
This man who has looks that don't exist back on earth lives and breathes in front of me, even turning into a beast sometimes..

"Where are you spacing off to?"
"It's nothing"
"You can share what's going inside your Little head sometimes you know."
"I would." As if I can really trust you or anyone with that. Aren't you too one of those strangers that I am forced to face after coming to this world? How can I even trust you or anyone for that matter?

We ventured through the forest and entered Bahan. There was nothing to do anywhere else so I took a teleportation route to the port city of Jyarmaedi. It's Also a popular pilgrimage site. It's supposed to be the place where the sea god incarnated himself to improve the poor living conditions of the beastmen a long long time ago. A huge temple has been erected in his honour, with tons of pilgrims flocking in and out.

The names in this world are all so weird and difficult to speak. I can't risk going to the capital and run into the king of this country. Having a previous identity exposed like that would be way too risky, especially when they are going to return me to that sh*** country in the name of negotiation. The bahanese royal family has a really bad habit of making frequent tours around the country to check what's going on and strengthen their trust with the Citizens. So the chances of running into them in the danger zone (the capital) is quite high.

I had kinda expected incomprehensiblity in language, since it's been over an year since this language was practiced in my memory. But it worked out quite well. I can infact understand everyone quite well. Normally on arriving on a country with a huge beastmen population, anyone would be confused. Every tribe of beastmen has their own dialect of the languages they speak, which makes it a bit difficult to understand. Bahanese have been living like this for quite a few hundred years, so everyone can more or less understand each other. But it's a nightmare for foreigners. Like learning a new language for interacting with every tribe.

There has been a lot of changes since the time i spent in the dungeon. There's like a good news and a bad news.

First of all, the Good news is: drama family dumbdom has entered into an isolated downfall. Not that I care anymore, but maybe I should throw a party for original Alistair?
But here's the catch/ the bad news:-

With Alistair gone, there's no one to wipe the back of the trash prince. So the royal pain family has stepped up to take the place of the drama family. You see, Alistair has gained a lot of support from the masses after his recent farewell. And although omega nobles of lower standing have more freedom, the can't be officially wed to a royal unless they aren't atleast adopted by a marquis.

Unfortunately, the king doesn't like this arrangement, and wants Alistair to walk down the aisle with the trash-not-issued. So trash has been ordered to bring him back "respecting the compensation" as per the royal order.
I am currently at a loss of words with the BS i have been exposed to. Open defecation should be banned.

Anyways, now that I was out of the dangers that were supposed to end my life, I got the chance to recheck and count all of my liquid assets again.
The breaking share of inheritance which was supposed to be an addition to my departure was a huge sum of 10.8 K gold Rubos. Which is even though it is more than enough to purchase a small county in a an empire, depending on the country we are going to can either screw or make my situation.

The foreign property is a wild card in all of this. We need perfect documentation to purchase land as citizens in a country. But since you can't buy land in other countries, their ownership comes in the form of these nameless divine scrolls that look like textless papers with beautiful patterns on the first glance.
The papers are handed down and crafted in churches using the holy mana the gods. And, They can only be viewed with the guidance of some well trained priest.

Wait a second... I haven't even touched the tons of huge dungeon item drops which I have collected over the months. After all, the only unconquered dungeon in the world has been taken over and all it's artifacts are with me.

Maybe Killing monsters all day and being gone through such a horrible experience wasn't bad after all. But what am I even going to do with all of this money? Invest in stocks, I can even start any large scale industrial buisness and scale it to the global level. There's so many opportunities that there's none at all.

Maybe hire an information guild, or some form of money spending guide? Maybe I should try going to a temple, since that's where a lot of people gather. Usually it's a bad option, but temples offer a wide range of services here rather than pushing you to worship their gods, moreover the priests do give out a lot of knowledge and guidance for free . There's a huge and thriving community of people who can possibly help, but it puts me in quite a bit of an awkward situation since I wasn't that religious back in my world.

In contrast, The original Alistair himself was a quite a bit religious, and a secretly active participant in many of the events organised by temples. Besides praying regularly and undergoing fasts, he took care of Donations, old age home visits, orphanage visits, teaching young children and assisting priests in day to day tasks ... He has done a lot of stuff which I don't know if i should be able to do here.
Besides there's quite a lot of Gods in this world so I don't know which to choose. The analysis paralysis is a real thing.

Alright! Visit the temple! Doing something is a lot better than doing nothing.

It was finally going to go as I planned! Just for once! How could I have let go of this opportunity?? Exept that never in my whole lives I had imagined that i would be coming face to face with the greatest disaster in my second Life.

Alright, the author's corner again

I never believed that procastination and self doubt would take the best of me while uploading a chapter here. I am really sorry (。•́︿•̀。)

EDIT: some parts have been changed and added.

I am caught in this bit of a pinch/ jinx where i can't write when I draw, and I can't draw when I write. It's so unbelievable how no idea crosses my head for days while i am drawing. (个_个). I guess you all must have forgotten me by now too

**Sulks in a corner**

Anyways, i am not going to give up on either of them! No matter how many schedule eaters come on my way!!!(Fading spark of determination)

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Anyways, i am not going to give up on either of them! No matter how many schedule eaters come on my way!!!
(Fading spark of determination)

By the way how you all are safe and healthy! I hope that you like the chapter, and as always, if there's anything that you would like to be added into the story/ something that you want removed. Please let me know on the comments!

Let's meet again in the next chapter!

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