fifty nine

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i know i've been gone for a while take a fluffy filler chapter as an apology :p


"i meant it when i said that you're sleeping on the couch." richie had barely had time to walk into the bedroom before eddie let out the sentence. eddie stifled a laugh as he threw a pillow down on the bed.

richie walked up behind him and let his arms wrap around the other. eddie grabbed another pillow, changing the case on it and throwing the old one into the pile of sheets to wash that had accumulated on the floor.

"no you didn't." richie said softly, leaning down to place his chin onto eddies shoulder. eddie turned his head to look richie in the face, richie tilting his head as eddie did so.

"i most definitely did." richie scoffed, moving away from eddie and walking towards the top of the bed. eddie watched him as he picked up one of the pillows that eddie had just placed.

"oh yeah?" eddie squinted his eyes as he nodded. richie looked towards the pillow in his hand and nodded to himself as he raised it above his head, and brought it back down swiftly, hitting eddie in the side.

"what the fuck?" eddie laughed, grabbing another pillow from the bed and hitting richie in the head with it.

"what do you mean 'what the fuck'? you just hit me in the fucking head." richie said between laughter.

"you hit me first! it was definitely deserved." eddie smiled at richie, his eyes bright. richie dropped the pillow back on the bed and grabbed eddies arm, pulling him over to where he was standing.

eddie let himself fall into richies arms, taking a deep breath in as his face landed on richies chest. the two stood there for what felt like hours, remaining silent.

they were content, neither of them felt out of place. they were exactly where they needed to be. and to richie, this was the greatest feeling in the world.

not touring, not meeting fans, not writing music, or preforming, or arranging set-lists, or traveling.

being with eddie. that was right. it was the only thing that felt right one-hundred percent of the time.

eddie had never felt as safe as he had recently. eddie had never felt at home, he never felt satiated.

richie gave him the feeling of a roof and four walls. no matter where they were, no matter the situation. richie was his home.

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