thirty eight

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"eddie, he said that he won't go on stage unless you talk to him. we have like five thousand people here. and the show should have started ten minutes ago." stan was pacing around the dressing room, eddie could just tell. that's just what stan does. he paces.

"are you fucking kidding me? god i cant fucking believe him. tell him that i said that what he's doing is so manipulative." eddie had just gotten home from a three hour lecture, and this was absolutely not what he needed right now.

"eddie said that you're being really manipulative, richie. i know that you don't care but maybe that's why he isn't talking to you in the first place." eddie could only hear bits of what richie was saying, but he could tell pretty clearly what the conversation was about.

"god damn it, stan. give him the phone." eddie said. sighed, and there was a pause in speech while he walked the phone to richie. richie, who took the phone with a huff, spoke a quick and harsh hello into the speaker.

"are you out of your mind? seriously, rich? grow up. you went on that tour to preform for those people, and now you're acting like this because, what? i have shit to do and i can't keep up with you? that's so unfair."

"no, asshole. what's unfair is that you just stopped talking to me altogether. and now youre posting about me on social media too. real mature, eds!"

"you posted about me first! and implied that i made you want to die! the entire internet hates me! that's fucking unfair!" eddie huffed. he was close to hanging up the phone again, not able to stand the thought of speaking to richie tozier for one more second.

"okay but you left me. it's not unfair, it was warranted." richie sat up in his chair, looking over to stan, who was still quietly pacing around the dressing room. 

"it wasn't warranted, you asshole. it was shitty. you aren't entitled to me. i don't feel like talking to you anymore right now, so go and preform for those poor people that payed for your shitty overpriced concert tickets. i talked to you, hold up your end of the deal. fucking dick." and with that, eddie hung up.

he'd call stan back tomorrow and ask him how it went. he'd probably ask if richie was alright, too. eddie knew that what he had said was harsh. he really didn't mean it, it just came out. he wanted to call back and apologize, tell richie that it was a mistake to leave. get on the next plane to london and meet richie at his hotel room.

but that wasn't going to happen. it wasn't something that he could just get up and do. what happened was already done. things were over. that's how they had to stay. it was better like this. they'd both see that it was better for them both.

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