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it short because it's building up to a large chapter im sorry but it'll be worth it i swear


"bev, i don't know what to do." eddie sighed, throwing himself onto bev's hotel bed. beverly looked down to him, placing a hand on his arm.

"what to do about...?"

"this stupid world tour bullshit. i have to go back to school but i don't want to leave richie, and i can't make up my mind." eddie sighed again, turning himself to lay on his back, facing bev.

"what does richie want you to do?" bev knew the answer to this already, everyone did. richie didn't want to be away from eddie for five seconds, much less five months. richie would do anything if it meant that eddie would go with him.

"he wants me to finish out the tour. but i can't do that, bev. i have to finish school, i want to make something of myself. my mom will kill me if she hears that i dropped school, she'll have a heart attack if she hears the reason why."

"is she still weird about the, you know, you being into guys thing?" eddie nodded, another heavy sigh coming from him.

"of course. she's crazy." eddie sat up, moving to push his back against the headboard of the bed, sitting next to beverly. the red head gently lay her head onto the boys shoulder, thinking about what to say next.

"i'm sure if she got to know richie that she'd come around. he's good for you, and you're good for him. it just, i don't know, it works. you guys work."

"of course we work, i really like him, bev. that's why we work. but my mom, she, look- she'd never accept it. that's just not her, you know? i was raised really religious, and i was told from a young age that being gay isn't something that you do. so when i came out, my mom told me that she loved me, and then said that i was not to bring it into her house."

"that sucks. it must be an awful way to live. so closed minded and shit. she should at least give richie a chance, he's a good guy."

"it's not a matter of whether he's good or bad, it's just that he's, him. he's a guy. my mom would love him, but she won't be okay with it because he a guy. sometimes i wish that she was accepting of me, because in a time like this, where i need to make a serious decision, some motherly advice would be great."

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