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ekaspb ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?

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ekaspb ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?


lcvelcsers STOP RIGHT NOW

bevbitch cute cute cute cute

bevbitch crying rn

loserzclb you really have richie tozier making shadow hearts you won.

richietozier LOVER !!
lovelytozierr RICHIE IM CRYING
tcziers OH MY GOD
richiesloser you guys are so fucking cute
ekaspb lover <33


richietozier with every guitar string scar on my hand <3

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richietozier with every guitar string scar on my hand <3


lovlosrz i cant do this i'll cry

reddiesloser i love love so much


ekaspb in love w u
lozerscluv LOVERS
toziersfave THEYRE IN LOVE
richietozier i'm in love with you <3
forrichie richietozier RICHIE

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