seventy four

89 2 2

mini chapter + photos

sorrrry i know it isn't a lot but i have midterms this week so i'm really busy and just wanted to get something out for u guys lolol

tour preparation was exactly what eddie thought it would be. it was everything that it had been the year prior.

except this time he had more time to prepare. he wasn't wildly thrown into it five shows in, he wasn't stumbling around trying to get used to this life.

eddie was different. more mature. more familiar with the scene and with the people he was around.

when eddie first met everyone he felt like an outsider. he felt like a fan.

granted, he was.

but now, now eddie was family. he was a part of the team. they didn't do anything without consulting with him first.

regardless of this, eddie was still unsure. he didn't know what he wanted. he didn't know if he wanted this life.

he knew that he wanted richie, but sometimes that want isn't enough.

for now, however, it was. 

eddie was all packed, he had been for three days. richie, on the other hand, was far from ready to go.

"we have to be at the airport and going through tsa in an hour and a half richie." eddie's voice boomed across richie's house from the kitchen.

the two had been staying in his home in malibu, letting beverly and ben take over her and eddie's shared apartment.

"have you checked in with the others to confirm that they're ready?" richie replied, hoping that he wasn't the only one who had waited until the last minute.

"according to bev, they're on their way here now. stanley is driving." eddie smiled as he made his way into the bedroom and rested his body against the doorframe.

the room was a mess. richies clothes were everywhere, which made no sense to eddie as everyone knew that richie would buy outfits along the way. he always got bored of the clothes at his disposal.

eddie decided that they'd deal with it when they came home.

"that's good at least. he's a slow and steady driver. i'm sure they're minding all of the road signs and stopping when the light is yellow."

"it gives you the slightest amount of time to figure this," eddie motioned towards richies suitcase, which was flung open with unfolded clothes strung everywhere. "issue out. do you need any help?"

"no, baby. i can handle it." richie smiled and turned back to his mess.

ekaspb ur favs (+mike who decided he was not photo ready and absolutely did NOT want to be in it) on a train heading to the BRIGHT LIGHTS TOUR BUS!!!!!!

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ekaspb ur favs (+mike who decided he was not photo ready and absolutely did NOT want to be in it) on a train heading to the BRIGHT LIGHTS TOUR BUS!!!!!!

(get tickets if u haven't rnnnnnn we're so excited to see u guys)

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