Chapter 062

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This is a vast and white world. Except for this flat land covered with ice at the foot, there are snow-capped mountains all around, and the starship is parked on the ice between the snow-capped mountains.

After the count was completed, the number of people assembled, the starship door slowly closed.

Lan Yu has already understood the content of this mission. They will set off from here, traverse several glaciers, and arrive at the place where the interstellar beasts are infested on the satellite map. After completing the mission, they will return and board the starship to return.

Following Lu Rankong's command, the mecha soldiers from the four battalions gathered together and proceeded along the glacier gorge.

Under my feet, there is a thousand-year-old hard ice, and the ice surface is smooth, making it extremely difficult to walk. Although there is no hurricane, the wind is not too small and it blows people crookedly. The soldiers dragged each other's hands and walked forward in a string.

Chen Yutan and Lin Zhu led the long team at the forefront, while Lu Rankong and Lan Yu were at the end.

"Is it cold?" Lu Rankong asked Lan Yu beside him, his voice slightly distorted through the cold shield on his head.

"It's not cold, this winter clothes works well," Lan Yu said.

"What about your hands? Are your hands stiff?"

Lan Yu stretched out his hand and shook his five fingers, "It's a little bit, not serious."

Lu Rankong took off the cold bag he was carrying, and said, "Come on, put the wool cover you knit on the handle of the gun."

Lan Yu handed him the ion gun on his shoulder, and then took it back and continued to carry it after it was put on.

"Is the insurance open?" Lu Rankong asked him.

Lan Yu took off the gun again and checked, "Open it..."

"Well, although it is still far from the position of the star beast shown in the image, you must be prepared for emergencies."

Lan Yu looked around as he walked, marveling at the stunning glacier scenery. A gust of wind blew, almost unable to stand firmly, was firmly held by Lu Rankong.

After walking for about ten minutes, the team left the flat ice and stepped into a deep valley.

This is a gorge formed between two snow-capped mountains. As soon as stepping in, the strong wind disappeared without a trace. Everyone felt relaxed and moved forward at an accelerated pace.

The gorge was very long, and after walking for more than half an hour, the team stopped in front of it.

"Yutin, what's the matter?" Lu Rankong asked in the intercom.

Chen Yutan replied: "This is only half the distance to the destination. Anyway, it's still early. Let's take advantage of the lack of wind here, let everyone rest for a while. It's been almost an hour."

Lu Rankong looked at Lan Yu and said, "Okay, then rest on the spot for ten minutes."

Lan Yu saw a big rock covered with snow on the left side of the canyon, so he went to sit down and Lu Rankong also came to sit next to him, handed him a water bottle, and said, "Drink some water..."

Lan Yu took the kettle and opened the valve, put the special straw into the hood, took two sips, and then handed it back to Lu Rankong.

During the action, his arm brushed against the boulder behind him, and the rustle of snow fell down. Lan Yu went to pat the snow on his shoulders, but found that some other colors were faintly revealed on the stone.

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