Chapter 2

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After lunch, which he wisely spent in a discreet place - he never knows, Sollux might want to come back and pollute his private space - Eridan goes to his afternoon class.

He doesn't remember very well why he took the literature option. The subject itself doesn't particularly interest him, and if he likes reading documentaries or encyclopedias of History, he isn't very attracted by novels.

He sighs, tries to hide his lassitude, to be concentrated. Alone in the front row, it' s difficult for him to go unnoticed, the teacher having eyes only for him - that's the whole problem of having a head of first of the class: one thinks that you are the only serious one, especially when the others seem to make fun of the subject.

His thoughts are interrupted, as well as the class, when someone enters their room a good half hour late. Eridan tenses up, and he suddenly remembers why he took the subject.

Gamzee Makara is part of one of the most powerful families in the region. A power that almost equals his family or Feferi's. And this guy, with a quiet smile and a nonchalant attitude, is probably a shame for all the 'high ranks', because of his lack of politeness in society -he insults much more than Eridan and doesn't bother to be a minimum of respectful to his superiors- but also because of his lack of punctuality, his repeated absences from classes, his grades barely reaching the average, or the rumors about him saying that he doesn't hesitate to beat the shit out of those who annoy him.

Not to mention his appearance: he's tall but hunched over, hands in the pockets of his dark sweatshirt, often wearing clown-like white makeup. When you don't know him, he gives the impression of being constantly stoned. Yet Eridan knows that this isn't the case: Gamzee isn't a saint, he sometimes drinks and smokes, but he limits himself to parties and generally when he's well surrounded (something that had made Eridan hallucinate the first time)

Eridan chose the literature option for this guy. Because he intrigued him (and still does), because he is a friend of Feferi, a high ranking person, and above all... he would like to know what he thinks. It's hard to know what Gamzee has in mind, as he is usually silent. And when he is spoken to, his answers always seem to be adapted to put his interlocutor in his pocket.

But Gamzee is constantly stalling, and Eridan has never found the time to get closer to him, sticking to empty conversations that the other one quickly aborted, preferring to go and talk with Karket or Tavros.

Not to mention the last bitter detail: Gamzee is the first one who blocked him, just like that, without warning. Yet, he is surely the one with whom Eridan was the least unbearable. But maybe seeing his friends being insulted just didn't leave him unmoved...

All this to say that Eridan regrets having taken this damn option, and that he remains shocked to see Gamzee finally show up. But after a brief apology from the latecomer to the teacher, Eridan is petrified: Gamzee is coming right at him. Worse: he sits JUST beside him, in the front row, to plunge his head in his arms and start a nap.

Ahuri, Eridan looks at him, then at the professor who says nothing despite his exasperation. And somewhere, Gamzee's presence seems to have the effect of a repellent, since the professor turns away from them and starts to pass in my ranks while continuing his lesson. Eridan allows himself a faint sigh, glad that he can no longer bear her gaze.

But his anxiety returns when, out of the corner of his eye, he sees that Gamzee has turned his head slightly to look at him. For a moment their eyes meet and Eridan holds his breath.

"... where did you lunch?"

He held back a gasp. Gamzee spoke low, but his husky voice surprised him. Confused by the question, he can't help but get defensive, looking down at his notes to escape contact.

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