Chapter 9

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⇒ Become Aradia Medigo

You are the first one seated. You are always on 'time' when your group meets. You enjoy spending 'time' with them, you enjoy talking to them, sharing, laughing, just enjoying their presence. You enjoy this group of friends, which has long since become a second family.

"Sollux is late?"

When Eridan sits down next to you with that nervous look on his face, you understand that something has happened. Already this morning, you had the impression that Sol was angry. You have known Sollux for years, you can even boast that you know him inside out. If he is no longer your boyfriend, he is still close enough to you to be considered your brother.

You pout as you try to remember if Sol has sent you any messages, but nothing comes to you:

"I think so? But he didn't have class for the previous hour, so that surprises me. Yet he didn't say he was absent, did he?

- ... He didn't tell me, I thought you would know."

You like Eridan a lot. Behind his haughty and proud airs, he is finally only a shy and awkward young man, and you appreciate discussing with him, especially if it turns around Sollux. After all, he is his new boyfriend. So it's your duty to keep an eye on them - and then most of all, you enjoy being a gossip, curious as you are.

But at this moment, you and Eridan are worried. Sollux isn't the type to leave without warning. You see your friend get up, a little anxious:

"I'm going to see where Sollux is and I'll be back."

You nod your head, as do others of your comrades. But you freeze, as does Eridan, when a loud bang comes, and you look back at Feferi in amazement, not understanding this sudden outburst of anger, nor the dark look on Eridan's face.

You know, as do all your friends, that Feferi and Eridan are no longer talking to each other, that Eridan hasn't been able to reconnect with her as he did with you. But you didn't think that it would be the young woman who would crack first, and unfortunately it is not the crack that you expected. You were hoping for a calm discussion between the two of them, that they would end up making up gently.

You were wrong.

"Stop it Eridan. Leave Sollux alone."

Ampora is in shock:

" ... What?"

You look at them in turn as the tension builds.

"It's pathetic! You can't go on like this! That you want to get back at me, especially in such a way, is childish! Have you thought about Sollux, about how he might feel?

"... Wait... You think I'm flirting with him to make you jealous?

- Don't play that game with me! I know you, I know you since we were kids! You've always been like that, lying and manipulative, all to keep me around!"

You think you're dreaming, looking at Feferi in amazement. But you don't see any gratuitous malice or jealousy in her. Mostly you see a suffocating worry, and you realize that maybe you haven't cared enough about her lately, haven't reassured her enough.

You don't know Eridan as well as she does, but you guess that her paranoia isn't unjustified. And you know Feferi: she cares about Sollux, she doesn't want him to get hurt. But she doesn't understand that this isn't a game, that Eridan isn't here with ill intentions.

"Are you fucking with me? Is that how you see me?

- Please, we all know you've only ever had me! Ever since we were kids, whenever I walk away, you try to keep me! When we were kids and I would go with my other friends, you'd threaten to talk to your dad and get their parents fired! They didn't want to come near me!

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