Chapter seven: With Me, and No One Else

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CW: mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, mentions of injuries, mentions of death.

CW: mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, mentions of injuries, mentions of death

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The afternoon passed by quickly. You indulged in multiple activities that had you feeling sweaty and breathless by the end of the day.

It was now pitch black outside. The air had gotten impossibly colder, but it doesn't bother you, it's refreshing instead of bothersome.

You and your friends left the ambrosial cafeteria with full bellies and wide smiles. Mr. Smith had just announced the nighttime activities, and you couldn't have been more excited.

"At what time do you think they'll let us off?" Amalie asked as she walked into the girls' room with you by her side.

"No idea. Probably sometime after 1 AM," you said.

"Do you think the boys will come?" She walked to her bunk and opened the lilac suitcase that lay on her bed.

"To what?" You copy her actions and pick out a few fuller clothing attires that would be more suited for the weather of the deep night.

"I kinda wanna bring out the alcohol, and stuff tonight. Maybe tomorrow too." She took a large black jacket and slipped it over her honey-like hair. Her body was swallowed by it not long after.

"Oh, of course, they will. Especially Jean. You seem to have him wrapped around your finger." You smile and send her a teasing look, to which she responds with a scoff.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She looked off to the creamy white walls you were surrounded by and crossed her arms.

A slight flush marked her plump cheeks as she thought about if what you had said was true.

With an eye roll and a huff, the flustered girl closed her suitcase and walked to the wooden door at the entrance of the room.

"Let's go." She turned around and waited for you.

As you walk outside into the empty grass fields, you see a big crowd and nudge Amalie to get her to look. The closer you get, the louder Mr. Smith's roaring voice gets.

"Hey," you whispered as you squeezed between Eren and Emilia, "What are we doing?"

Before they could respond, Mr. Smith seemed to have the answers you were looking for.

"For those of you who are late." He looked around the crowd, not making eye contact with you—but you know it was directed at you. "The night activities will be teamwork with your assigned groups; just like we've done all afternoon. We've hidden a few objects. Each object is worth its amount of points. The team with the highest points wins."

He begins walking from left to right, whilst speaking in a stern voice. "All of the objects have been hidden in the forest. We've given two lists with what the objects look like, and the points they're worth to two participants of each group."

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