Chapter six: Gladly Break It

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CW: mentions of an injury, cold water?

The color that coated the sky this morning was dull; the clouds puffy; the air so crisp it made your body hairs feel prickly against the lush duvet that shielded your body from the mean weather

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The color that coated the sky this morning was dull; the clouds puffy; the air so crisp it made your body hairs feel prickly against the lush duvet that shielded your body from the mean weather.

You stretched after your phone snatched you away from your tranquil dreams. You threw your duvet aside and began to get ready for the day.

This morning was like no other. You got dressed, and pampered yourself for school—except you aren't going to school; well, you are—but you aren't staying there. Today's the day you've been waiting for, for so long.

Your first camping trip.

There's something about them that makes you giddy—and so thrilled you barely get any sleep the night before. And the email you received informing you, and your parents about the fun activities you'd be doing along with your friends didn't help to contain your excitement.

Because this is a camping trip, you are allowed to attend without your uniform on. You already had your outfit planned out from the night before, just like you've done every night before a school trip; you love them; you certainly can't deny that.

You checked yourself out in your mirror. The clothes you wore were plain, nothing extravagant since you know they'll get dirty anyway. A buzz made you snap your head in your phone's direction. You know it's Hitch telling you she's outside.

You quickly grab your bags and suitcase and go downstairs. You say goodbye to your parents and join the dirty blonde outside.

"Someone's excited," Hitch said as she helped you with your luggage.

"Thanks, and I am. I can't wait." You walk down the few steps leading you out of your home and enter the Uber that waited for you.

With a loud thump, Hitch closed the car door after herself.

"Good morning, love, where to?" The woman who anxiously tapped on the steering wheel looked at you and Hitch through the car's rear-view mirror as she waited for a response.

"North London Paradis School, do you know where it is?" Hitch replied as she looked down at her phone, looking for directions.

"Yes, love. My nephew goes there," she said, as she began to drive.

"Oh really?" You lift your gaze from your phone and look at her.

"Yes, he's in 13th form, I assume you might know him."

You look at Hitch and see her lift her brows. "We're too, what's his name, Miss?" she asks.

"Samuel. Does it sound familiar?" She looks at you through the mirror.

"Oh, yes! We share a few classes, he's the sweetest!" you say.

"Yes, I know. My little Samuel is so kind! He wouldn't hurt a fly!" She laughs as she speeds through an orange light.

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