Chapter 1: Breaking free (from this town)

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"Why are you so cute?"

That question, that damn question.

After that question Ricky Bowen has never been the same.
He fell in love at first sight, but he had no idea... or did he?.
But what he did know is, that that boy was going to make him suffer.

Let's start from the beginning shall we?

The year is 2001, a boy named Richard Bowen was... WAIT NO, NOT THAT FAR

The year is 2017, Ricky is starting freshmen year at East High School (that's more like it).

Ricky hated school, he never had a reason to go besides the fact that duh it's school. He didn't have any friends, and the ones he had, he never heard from them again. But now it's high school, it's a new start (but also he moved to Salt Lake City, so it is actually a new start).

Back in middle school, things weren't so great (now we're going back again).


Ricky is a lonely boy.

Even back in Chicago, the friends he had in middle school, it's not like he communicated that much, actually it's not like they were even friends, but one year in particular, he met his only friend at that time.

First day of 3rd grade

"You wanna be my friend?" The boy asked excited to meet someone.

"Yes, you wanna play with me?" He replied to his now new friend.

"Sure, friend" They stood up and started walking to the school yard

When you're young sometimes it's easy to make friends, because sometimes you're just to dumb to care who are you talking to. That's why Ricky said yes so easily to the boy, but this was a good call, since they hung out everyday in school, they had lunch together, played together, it was all good.

Last day of 5th grade

"I'm gonna miss you" The boy said without letting go of his friend.

"Same, dude". Ricky said smiling but with a sad expression. "Can you let me go now? I'm running out of air". He laughed a little, but deep inside he didn't wanted to let go of his friend either.

"I was hoping we would've hang out this summer, but my parents wants to go somewhere for vacation" The boy said rolling his eyes.

"It's okay, we'll meet again right here in 3 months. 5th grade here we go"

"I'm counting the days"

It was Ricky's first summer without his friend, but he didn't know it wasn't going to be the only one. When 5th grade started, his friend was nowhere to be found, after a week he started to worry wondering why he wasn't there, and after a month he even thought something terrible might happened to him. That night, Ricky asked his parents if there was a way to communicate with them but sadly his parents never traded numbers with his friend's so that was the day it started.

"Ricky, he probably moved to another city" His mom tries to comfort him.

"How do you know? He didn't told me anything" He said with tears kept falling with sign to stop.

"How could he know? But Ricky, you'll be fine, you're strong" His mom now hugging her crying son.

"He's the only friend i have" Ricky was broken, he really had only one friend, now he's gone.

0A: Ricky (the cute one)Where stories live. Discover now