Chapter 3: The world moves on (another day, another drama)

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Winter break started and Ricky is in Chicago, it was nice to go visit his mom even tough he's still sad about the whole situation (I mean, how could you not? It has literally been 3 months since he found out, you'll need at least a year, maybe). And also was nice the fact that it was still his house from his childhood.

"Hey, you" Lynne entered his room to check on him.

"Hi mom"

"Are you okay? I mean, I know that you've been quite upset about this whole situation, and I get it, but it would be good for you if you get out of your room once in a while" She was getting closer and Ricky could tell she had something behind her. "So, maybe this will cheer you up, happy late birthday and early christmas" She sat at the edge of his bed handed the box to him.

"What's this?"

"Open it" And so he did, and then looked confused at the inside.

"How is a lot of candy gonna get me out of this room? This would make me stay longer" A movie marathon with a lot of candy it's not a bad idea, maybe Star Wars?.

"Look deep" He took all the candy out and then froze for a few seconds until he reacted. It was a ticket to the Jingle Ball, Ricky always wanted to go to one of those.

"Holy sh... moly mom!"


"Tonight?" Still staring at the ticket.


"Oh my god" He was hyperventilating. "Do you know the line up? There's two going on and they have different line ups" Ricky always knew all the info about concerts near him or far away too (he usually forgets the dates though).

"I... actually didn't know that, but I know there's someone in particular that you'll like to see"

"OH MY GOD MOM? IS IT TAYLOR?" Lynne couldn't hide her happiness for her son and just nodded. "Mom! Thank you, thank you, thank you" He quickly wrapped his arms around her.

"Look Ricky, I don't want you to think that I do this because I want you to forgive me, you obviously need time and I get it, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want. But I love you and I'm here for you"

"Thanks mom, I do need time, but for what its worth, this really lifted my mood" Candy AND a ticket to a concert (in which Taylor Swift would be on), what else could be better than this?

"Good" She stood up and quickly turn before she left. "You may want to take a shower before we go, I love you son but you stink" Ricky just rolled his eyes.

Once he left he turned his face to the pillow and started screaming, he really was going to see THE Taylor Swift live in concert. He quickly grabbed his phone and started typing his fellow hardcore swiftie.

To: i did something bad stan (nini)



To: getaway car stan (ricky)

Ricky wth

u good?

To: i did something bad stan (nini)




To: getaway car stan (ricky)

what with taylor?


To: i did something bad stan (nini)

pic of the ticket

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