Chapter 4: Are you ready for it? (pum, pum, pum, pow)

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Summer break was getting close, and so was the big plan Ricky had to have an unforgettable first summer with friends (not the whole summer though). But what's happening right now? Well, Ricky is at school... at night... on a saturday... but it's not bad.

"Ricky! I thought you wouldn't come"

"And miss my best friends' show? ha, good one" He went to hug the two big stars "You're gonna kill it" His phone started ringing. "Hold on a sec" He raised an eyebrow. "Okay, thanks. Uhm, my dad is outside, stay here don't go anywhere" He then went to run to the doors.

"What's he doing?" Gina said, confused.

"Probably he forgot his keys... again" Nini said, they both started laughing. "But if he comes with flowers for us I might not be responsible for my actions"

"What? You want to kiss him or something?" She giggled but then her wide to the point they might pop out. "Oh my god Nini? You have a crush on Ricky?" She was about to scream, literally.

"No" Nini whispered.

"Yeah, you totally do!" Now she was teasing.

"Gina!" Now she shouted.

"Since when?" Gina was still in shock.

"I don't have a crush on Ricky. I said that because no one really gave me flowers on a opening night" Nini saw the look on Gina's face, she was smiling, not exactly looking at her but behind her, Nini is so screwed. She proceed to close her eyes hoping to be swallowed by a hole in the ground.

"Glad I'm the first one then" Ricky said, smiling eye to eye.

"Ricky!" Nini finally turned around to see Ricky holding a bouquet of flowers, not just any flowers tough. "These are gorgeous, how did you know roses are my favorites?" Nini is a mess right now, she's hoping Ricky won't notice.

"You draw them all the time, so I guessed they were?" Ricky giggled. They kept staring at each other for a few seconds, even Gina could feel some tension.

"Uhm, how much of that did you heard?"

"Oh not much, that you never got flowers on opening night. Also, that you don't have a crush on me and that made me partially offended because I'm a very crushable guy." This guy is stupid.

"Shut up" He slapped his arm.

"You know you love me"

"I'm gonna go, thanks for the flowers" She's not having a conversation right now.

"I'm just kidding, come here" He grabbed Nini by the shoulder to give her another tight hug. "Go crush it, or... break a leg?" She smiled and turned her way to the dressing room.

"So... no flowers for your number 1 bestie aka me?" Gina started talking now.

"Uhm..." Ricky pretended.

"Okay, now I feel offended" She said in a sort of dramatic tone.

"No, wait, I'm not sure if I should've brought a full bouquet of these but, a sunflower for a sunflower" He grabbed a flower from inside his jacket.

"Aww, you remembered my favorites too" Gina wasted no time and wrapped Ricky in a hug, soon letting go when they heard a camera noise. "I think we've been caught"

"Damn it, Gossip Wildcat really knows how to hide"

"That was Jennifer, everyone in school take the pics but no one really knows who GW really is" Now she smirked, Ricky don't like where this is going. "Let's make a bet, the one who gets closer to when they post about us pays for the pizza"

0A: Ricky (the cute one)Where stories live. Discover now