Chapter 2: The start of something new (literally)

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Okay, 5 minutes went on and he already hated it. Ricky ended up on the ground after someone ran into him, he quickly got closer to the boy on the ground.

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry" The guy offered his hand to help him get up.

"It's okay" He accepted the help, stood up face to face with the guy for a few seconds, he has nice eyes. "I'm new here, do you have any idea of where do I have to go?"

"Go to the end of the hall, the room of the left if you're from the city or to the right if you're new new" Ricky looked a little distracted but understood what the boy said.

"Thanks" He said avoiding eye contact with him and just went to the room he indicated.

Ricky walked in the room and was met with some other people who he thought were the ones that also moved from another city, quickly someone entered the room and gave everyone a map of the school and told them where to go from there. What was the point of the room division?

Ricky walks to his first class, really not knowing which one, he seems to have arrived early as not many people were in the room, finds a seat far away from everyone. He doesn't even know his schedule or even if he's in the right classroom. Once he took his seat, he was about to check his phone until caught his attention.

"Is this seat taken?" Ricky raised his look to see a redhead boy, he looked shy, just like him, he looked cool, he'd think he's a skater too, somehow Ricky can sense these type of things? But also, somehow the redhead looked really familiar?

"No, no, go ahead" He says giving a little smile to the boy.

"Have I seen you before?" The boy says, looking at Ricky like he's trying to remember something. "Somehow you look super familiar"

"I was thinking the same thing but no, I don't think so... I'm new here, I came from Chicago". He says looking down at his phone for a second.

"Oh wow, I used to live there. When did you moved here?" The boy asks curious.

"Last week" Still not looking up.

"I think I saw you then, you live across the street from my house. Dude, you have a skate?". He raised his look to see the boy, confused, because...

"I have"

"That's awesome, I have one too"


"Cool" Okay, awkward silence. "Em, well hi, I'm Big Red" He says stretching a hand and suddenly it all goes back...

"Hi I'm Big Red"


"You wanna be my friend?"

"Yes, you wanna play with me?"

"Sure, friend"

"Big Red?" He says now shocked that maybe he was the boy that once was friends with. "I may sound ridiculous and maybe you'll think I'm weird but I think i know you"

"Really? From where?" The other boy says now wondering.

"You said you used to live in Chicago too, right?" He says trying not to sound weird to the other boy.

"Yes? I mean, I did, but i moved here a long time ago" Now looking confused

"By any chance in middle school you were friends with a guy named Ricky?" He says and the other boy was still confused, hopefully remembering who he was.

"I... don't..." Ricky looked at him hopeful and then it hit him "Holy shit, Ricky!! I remember you. Damn, look at you" Now smiling at him, not believing what he's seeing. "I swear for a moment my heart raced when you said your name, but then i remembered and HOLY SHIT DUDE HOW?"

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