Prologue - Getting Out of There

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Prologue - Getting Out of There

Violet Mae POV

"I'm all you have, baby. Don't you know that?"

That's how every argument starts between us. I bring up my feelings, and he pulls the 'I'm the only one you have' card. He's trying to get me to stay.

Manipulate me.

Like he always does.

"How will you manage if I'm not here, Violet? How will you make sure to stay quiet and lose weight?"

"I'm not fat, Jacob," I reply, already frustrated.

I'll never let him know, but the more he tells me that I never shut up and that I'm fat, the more insecure I get and the more I believe him.

I'll never tell him though.

"Baby, you're still at 130 pounds. You need to lose 10 more, and you never will if you keep eating like you currently do."

"I hardly eat anything at all. And besides, I looked it up, and I should actually be closer to 140 than 120. The doctor even said so."

That's when he gets angry. "Doctor?! You went to the doctor?! How many times have I told you that they're bad? They lie to you and make you believe their lies just to scam you out of money."

"And yet they save millions of lives every day."

"Violet, baby, I know what's best for you. Trust me."

He goes in the grab ahold of me, trying to win me over, but I yank myself away from him.

"No, Jacob. I'm done. Done with you, your lies, and your relationship. I don't know who I am anymore because of you. I've lost too much weight, I'm losing hair due to stress, that you caused, and I'm always tired.

"Don't come near me or my family, or you will suffer the consequences. You hear me?"

He mocks me. "Oh, I'm so scared. What? Gonna tell your daddy that I hurt you?"

"Yeah. I will. And he'll make sure you stay away from me. I'm done."

Once again, he goes in to grab me. This time, I scream and kick him, aiming for his nuts. Right after my foot makes contact, I race to my car and speed off.

Every time we went out, I always drive to him, so luckily, he doesn't know where I live. Still, he could find out where I live through his friends, who are all dating my old friends.

That's how Jacob and I met.

We were seventh wheeling together, and eventually started dating, which was a huge mistake. Sure, it made my friends happy, but I wasn't happy.

My best friend, Oliva, had gotten to the point where she kept telling me to quote on quote, 'dump his ass'.

And I finally did.

She'll be so proud of me.

I'm not sure how the others will react though. Even after I told them all exactly what was happening, they were still hooked on the idea of us two dating. Based on that, I don't really think they'll be happy. Even though I am.

As soon as I get home, I immediately make it up to my room and grab my phone to call Olivia, who picks up on the second ring.

"Hey babe," She says, sounding cheerful. "What's new?"

"I'm single," I blurt out.

She sounds hopeful. "Really?"

I nod, even though she can't see me. "Yes. I dumped him. It was during a fight, but still."

"Still. You dropped his ass on the ground and refused to pick it back up for him. It was about time. Now you can spend the entire Junior year focusing on yourself and your schoolwork. You almost got held back last year."

"I know. And I plan to work on that. This year, no dating. Just school, myself, and friends. If they all still like me."

"I'm sure they will. They are your friends after all. I'm sure your friendship is more important than who you are and aren't dating."

"I hope you're right."

"I'm sure I am. Now go take a nap. You sound tired."

"Yes ma'am."

She chuckles and shifts on the other end. "I'll see you next Monday. Bye."


We hang up and I lay down, falling asleep quickly.

Today was tiring.

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