Four - Dick move

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Four - Dick Move

Shawn POV

Chapter Two POV switched

She amazed me.

Actually, I'm not sure if it was amazement or something else. Either way, I couldn't get her off my mind.

Everyone said she was a heartbreaker and that she dumped her last boyfriend just for kicks. Makes me wonder if she has a heart, but either way, I've always fell for the heartbreaker type.

And she looks like one too. With dark brown hair and light blue eyes and sparkle when she smiles, she could break my heart into pieces and I'd still be infatuated by her.

I think that's what it is. Fatuation.

I guess that's what drove me to sit at her table at lunch that day. I just wanted to be closer to her since we only have one class together, and now, the same lunch shift.

Looking back, I regret what I said, because she obviously didn't like it. Nor did her friends.

Not that that guy seems like a good friend for her. He seems too pushy.

I couldn't tell which of the two he was in love with, but it was definitely one of them, by the way he seemed highly protective. I eventually figured it out when I stepped towards Violet Mae's friend and he was quick to jump in front of her.

Of course that doesn't ease my worries though, because even though he likes one girl, he could still be aiming to get with Violet Mae. And I want to be the only one going after her. No matter what the cost."

When they marched out of the cafeteria, I realized how much of a dick I had been to her and her friends. Well friend. The chick was nice. I don't like the guy though.

I feel like if he wanted to, he'd take Violet Mae away in a heartbeat.

It makes me almost mad just thinking about it.

Let me tell you something though. As soon as he grabbed her and lead her out of the cafeteria, I was up and following them. I followed them all the way down the hall towards the front doors, and out to the parking lot.

I watched her get in a car with him, and the three of them sped off, leaving the school in the middle of the day.

As irritated as it made me, it helped me from pushing her even further away.

I want this girl, and I will stop at nothing to get her. Nothing.


English class was boring. Especially without her sitting beside me at the table with my brothers.

"You've have that irritated face all day," Devyn says, looking up from his work, while Ashton kept scribbling down notes. "Relax. So you were a dick to her. Things will get better."

"Will they, Devyn? Will they really? Because with the way things are right now, I'm never gonna get close to her and the more I try, the further away she'll go."

"Why are you trying so hard?" Ashton asks, not even looking up. "You know things like this sometimes just don't work out."

"Sometimes. But in my case, I need it to work out."

"Why? Why is this one girl, a girl you don't even know, so important to you?"

"That's the thing, I don't know. But either way, I need her in my life."

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