Sixteen - Meeting his family

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Sixteen - Meeting his family

Shawn POV

I let out a shaky breath. Why did I agree with this?

Since Violet told me about her baby, she's been wanting to meet my mom and baby sister.

It's not like any of them are in danger, it's just that once she meets them, then she's in for life. There's no escaping.

Of course I haven't told her that, because it'll intimidate her, but I should probably inform her of that sooner rather than later. Because then it'll be too late.

I picked her up from her house around ten since she was coming over for lunch, and she looked adorable.

It had probably been a month since she found out she was pregnant, making her officially four months pregnant, and while she hides it pretty well in school by wearing baggy sweatshirts and big shirts, today she's wearing a tighter shirt that showcases her little bump.

She sees me looking at her and smiles before coming over to me and coming into my open arms for a hug.

She smells so good. Like flowers. I love that smell.

When I let go I help her into the passenger seat and we drive away.

"Your mom won't be mad at me, right?" She asks as we near my neighborhood.

"No. Why would she be mad at you?"

She gave me that look that told me that I should already know why. I just smiled in return.

"She's not mad baby. Don't worry about it." Then I realized what I said and muttered "Fuck," under my breath.

I called her baby. How could I be so stupid as to let that slip out?

I don't think she noticed it though, because she didn't say anything about it.


Violet Mae POV

His family is nice. Really nice. Nicer than I expected.

His mom seemed excited to meet me, which was a relief, and his younger sister was really sweet. I've already met his brothers before so their behavior was nothing new.

We stayed for dinner too, and afterwards, his little sister begged me to spend some time with her, since her and her mother where the only two women in the house.

I agree, and let her drag me up to her room while Shawn and his brothers help their mother with cleanup downstairs.

"Are you and Shawn together?" Elena asks, sitting on her bed and pulling out a crate of nail polish.

", not necessarily," I reply, unsure of how to answer her question.

"Do you like him?" She stops pulling out different colors to look up at me.

"Well, yes. I like your brother very much."

"Then why aren't you with him? Whenever I like a boy at school, and he likes me back, we start dating."

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