Nineteen - Finnly J

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Nineteen - Finnly J

Violet Mae POV

My due date is in exactly a week and I'm starting to get even more nervous than I was originally.

I'm ready to meet baby boy, but, of course, the reality of how he'll get here is getting to me.

I think Shawn can sense my nervousness, but he hasn't said anything.

He just watches me. All the time.


Shawn POV

The doctor said Vi could go into labor at any time in the next week. He said it'd be insane if she went over because the baby is already fully developed and getting ready to come out.

Her parents have allowed me to stay with them while we count down the days, since they are always at work and it'll just give them piece of mind knowing someone is here with her when the time does come for her to give birth.

And luckily, she wants me, not her mom in the delivery room. It makes me estatic, despite the fact of what she has to do.

Throughout my stay in her home, I never once slept with her in her bed, even though she's begged me to on multiple accounts.

And I want to, God how I want to, but I feel it isn't right. Especially right now, when she's just days away from giving birth. I feel like it'd be wrong, though it'd feel so right.

I love her in every way, shape, and form possible. I just don't want to hurt her.


She had feel asleep on the couch while we were watching a movie, so I carried her to bed and put her under the covers, but despite my best efforts not to wake her, she awoke slightly when I went to leave the room.

"Where you going?" Her voice sounded groggy and still sleepy.

"Back to the couch baby," I responded, coming over to kiss her forehead, hoping she falls back asleep.

"But I want you here. Please?"

"Why do you want me here?"

"Because I really like you. And I want you near me all the time."

I should have put up more of a fight. I should have resisted. But I love this girl, and she should never have to plead for anything from me.

So I crawled in bed beside her, wrapped my arm around her very pregnant belly, and closed my eyes as I held her, soon falling asleep beside her.


Violet Mae POV

I woke up to an intense pain in my stomach, causing me to sit up in bed and inhale sharply through my teeth.

I knew when my due date is, so feeling this pain made me realize that I'm having contractions.

I reach over and shake Shawn while repeating "Wake up, I think the baby is coming."

It took a minute, but he finally woke up and grabbed me before he grabbed any of the stuff for the hospital.

He carried me down the hall and yelled out to my sleeping family, "I'm taking Violet to the hospital."

Phil woke up to help get everything in the car, while Mom, who had been up with my new little brother, Noah, was standing on the stairs.

Once everything was packed in the car, Shawn drove me to the hospital.


Shawn POV

Once we got to the hospital, Violet got admitted real fast, and I put on scrubs for when she went into delivery.

Right now she was in a hospital room, and they were waiting for her to dilate further.

She was already in so much pain that I told the doctor to give her something to ease said pain, since she wasn't gonna ask herself.

He gave her some, and watching the relief wash over her face was exactly what needed to be done.

She has been through enough pain already.


Violet Mae POV

Whatever they put in that drug must be good because I barely feel a thing. It hurts a little bit, but now it's more like period pain, which mine has always been manageable.

They didn't give me as strong of a dose as they usually give patients because I am still under eighteen and am a minor.

But I feel really good, and when they took me to the delivery room, I was no longer afraid.


Three hours and forty-five minutes of labor and a lot of screaming later, enters Finnly J. Ross into the world.

And I can rightfully say that I've never loved anyone more in my entire life.


All that's left is the Epilogue!!!


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