Crow x Hunter

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"Come brother, we have new freinds to transport." My sister speaks and i feel a tug of hatred. Thoes things arent friends, anything but honestly. Osiris and i share a look in understanding, I nod and follow my sister to the nearby ship with fallen still on it. I stop at the boarding ramp, looking into the ship and i see glowing eyes simmilar to the ones in the cave on the tangled shore. My chest tightens. I freez and see clawed hands, like the ones on the tangked shore. My void begins to pull. I see faces like the ones on the tangled shore. I draw my hand.
"I SWEAR TO TRAVELER, DARKNESS AND WHATEVER OTHER GOD FORSAKEN ENTITY I CAN FIND, THAT I WILL GIVE YOU A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH IF YOU EVEN TRY IT!" My sisters voice rings through and i am startled out of my trance. My eyes widen noticing a much smaller fallen begin to cry in fear and cuddle up to their parent. The kid is scared. I am scared. "Get on this ship right now pussy!" My sister yells at me and my feet move onto the ship as i stumble over my words.
"Coming!" I yell back muttering curses while trying to find a place for my feet in the fallen limbs. I do eventually make it past them and to the co piolet chair. I begin helping her start up the engions and running a system check. All propor procedure before take off in a ship this large. I feel a presence behind us, standing. I figure its Saint wondering why we switched ships "Ya Saint, whats up?" I say calmly as i watch the lights flicker on the screen. I hear Sirius move.
"Oh, Mithrax... sorry my brother kinda took youre spot. Im gonna need him for landing in the city." My sister says. And as im about to ask who Mithrax is i hear a fallen speak behind me. The hairs on my neck raise and i tense again.
"That is alright. Why is he so... tense though?" This fallen asks and i can only asume he gestures to me.
"Hes my brother. I work best with him and he works best with me." She turns back to the control panel and slaps my arm, triggering me into action, its muscle memory from here on. "Though he does have a rather dark history with eliksni, as long as im around he shouldnt be able to hurt you or youre pepole." She says. "You may want to take a seat." She says before we begin lifting the ship off the floor of the hanger. I see personal ships begin to fly out and we follow.

Landing and helping the fallen set up wasnt diffcult. When the future war cult member Lakshmi showed up, it became diffcult. Her little speach was nothing short of gastlighting. Not to mention it put everyone on edge. Glancing up from tieing the hammock i see a fimillar face.
"Crow!" I wave to him and his glance is nothing short of ice colder than europa. I feel the glare even behind the super glued mask. I remember it broke a while ago, and we stayed up togester glueing it back together. He was reluctant to wear it again. He usually still does, though i have seen him outside without it. The memory pains at my chest. Now seeing him turn away from me and walk the opposite direction.
"You did something didnt you?" My sisters voice catches me off gaurd. I look up and she and one of the fallen are standing on a beam, they just finnished a hammock above me. My gqze lowers as i feel shame in my gut. My sister jumps from the pertch and takes the strings from me. "Go on you idiot. Go talk to him before you fuck it up more than you already have." I blink at her in confusion, stunned for a bit. "Didnt you hear me? SCRAM BUG!" She yells loudly getting the attention of several fallen.
"Right!" I say and fllow crow rather quickly. I went down some stairs to reach him.
"Hey, crow?" I ask once catching up to him. Hes holding a tank of some sort and stands it up in a neat fasion.
"I dont want to talk to you." He says and the words sting.
"Then dont talk. Just...just listin please." I say swallowing what little pride i have left. He pauses for a moment. Then turns around a gestures for me to continue. "I... im sorry for what i did. I shouldve stayed, i shouldve shown you more affection, i shouldve..." my words trail. What do i say? Nothing i say could be right, nothing will fix this. I look down as i feel my eyes water. "I shouldve been a better lover. One who deserves you. And im sorry for what i did you deserve everything. Could you possibly forgive me?" I ask, i cant look him in the eyes, i cant even look at his feet, he shouldnt forgive me, im not worth it. I turn to leave.
"Tonight." I hear and stop in my tracks. "Prove that to me tonight, or stay out of my way." He says, and at the moment i could die, and id be content with that. I look at him and i hug him picking him up, his legs wrap around my torso as i nuzzle my face into his neck. "Hey, hey, i said tonight not right now!" He says while laughing, i laugh too.
"Tonight i will give you everything you could ever want from a lover." And when i kissed his lips i belived that. When i put him back on the ground i still belived that.

But now that time is ticking closer, im not sure i can do that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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