Dork Days and Bad Boy Ways

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Yay! Yet another story!!

Like all my stories this will contain boy on boy action.

I don't like writing straight romances...



This story is going to follow sixteen year old Caleb and seventeen year old Reed as they spend the summer on Caleb's alpaca farm.

Yes. Alpacas.

Caleb is an antisocial who'd much rather hang at home with his two best friends Josie and Ethan than go to parties, or anywhere for that matter. Reed on the other hand, is the complete opposite. City raised, bad boy Reed is shocked to find anyone would actually live like Caleb. He decides to try his hardest to turn Caleb into a mini him. 

Throw in a deathly fear of cats, a popped air mattresses, and teenage boy hormones and this summer will definitely been a summer neither of the them will forget. 

And i'm not exactly sure what all is going to happen in this story so if you have any suggestions feel free to massage me. Also if there's anything you've wanted or liked in a story I'd love to hear. I want you readers to have a part in helping with the story! 

But if you want to help and have no ideas then voting and comments help just as much.

I'd really love it if each chapter could get ten votes....

Oh and one last thing, If you haven't read my stories before I'm going to let you know my chapters are usually short. Reallllly short. BUT! I try to update once or twice a day. So yeah.

I hope you enjoy the story!! 


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