I Wanna Do You

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Chapter Sixteen: I Wanna Do You


"Reed!" I scream, he doesn't hear me over the loud booming music, and keeps walking through the crowd of smelly young adults- most if which are wasted. I try calling his name again but I'm drowned out by the- much too loud- bass dropping.  How are these people not deaf?

He continues to pull me, following my brother, to what I think is the kitchen. When we reach the room, that is indeed a kitchen, Steve stops.

"She said she'll be here soon," I'm lucky the music isn’t as in here. "Act like I didn't force you guys to come here."

"Fine by me." Reed picks up a bottle of what I believe to be cheap beer- I'm not so good at guessing alcohol- and twists the cap off. He hands it to me then proceeds to do the same for himself.

I almost forgot Reed drank. It's not like I've ever seen him do it, but he did say. I, on the other hand, haven't done it at all. I don't really see the reason for doing drugs or drinking, but I guess just doing it once won't be bad- the drinking, there's no way in hell I'm doing drugs!

I take a swig of the cool beer, crinkling my nose as it travels down my throat. "Shit, people like that?" Beer taste horrible and nasty!

Reed chuckles and runs a hand through my hair, I shake it back into place. "Once you get used to it, you'll like it more." Even though I know I won't I nod, not feeling like starting something. Reed doesn't like to loose.

After sipping on my nasty beer for a bit I get tired of just standing around. This will be the only party I'll ever go to so I might as well enjoy it, even if I don't find parties fun. "Reed do you want to dance?" I softly blush.

"Hell yeah!" Before I can blink, Reed drags me into the large living room and onto the dance floor. Whoever lives here must be rich because this place is huge! You could easily get lost in this place, or at least in the sea of people occupying more than half the area.

It’s when both Reed and I get onto the dance floor that I realize I don’t know how to dance. My eye search around the room hoping to find some example of what I should be doing, I cringe at what I see. Everyone surrounding Reed and I are practically have sex. Sure all their clothes are on and nothing is being put in anything else, but it looks like sex.

“What’s wrong?” Reed asks loudly trying to talk over the annoying pop song.

I bite my lip nervously and yell, “I don’t know how to dace!”

His lips turn up into a smile.

“I can teach you!”

I know for a fact that if Reed were to start doing what those other guys are doing to their...girls, I’d get a problem downstairs and have to spend the rest of the night in the bathroom hiding my embarrassment. That doesn’t seem like too much fun for me. Reed would probably be laughing his ass off at me, in a nice way.  Does that even make sense? 

“Reed,” I pout, “I don’t want to spend the rest of the night in the bathroom of shame.” He either can’t hear me, or just confused because he stands there with an eyebrow raised. I shake my head, hoping he’d let it go.

He does.

Before Reed begins dancing with me, or whatever this is called, I take another large drink of my beer. If we’re going to do this I don’t want to remember it the next morning and think about how stupid I was. And he was actually right, I beginning to think this stuff is pretty okay. Oh god I’m turning into one of them...

When I finally stop worrying about being an alcoholic I turn my attention back to Reed, only to see a slut throwing herself at him. I glare at the bitch as she starts rubbing her whore germs all over my man.  To my surprise Reed doesn’t make her stop. In fact he starts grinding on her. I know he knows I’m about to raise hell by the smirk on his face, well that or he’s enjoying the girl in the skimpy sparkly blue tank top a little too much...I better stop this before the latter of the two begins happening. Not exactly sure of what I’m doing I throw myself in between the blonde and my boyfriend. What happens next shocks the hell of me. The ho begins rubbing her nasty self all over my body and Reed grabs my hips pulling my ass against his manhood. Confused, I stand still as they both grind up on me. 

“SHOW ME YOURS, I’LL SHOW YOU MINE, DON’T YOU WORRY, YOU’RE TOO FINE!” I scream along to the son at the top of my lungs, practically throwing myself at Reed. He stares at me with amusement. “Whaaaat’s so funny?” I slur leaning on him for support. Maybe I shouldn’t have drunk that last beer; then again I only had like seven though...

He pulls me over to the couch and sits us down next to a couple that was making out. I crinkle my nose.

“That’s so gross you knoooow, now if, if yooou and mee were to make out that would beee hot!” I giggle and lay my head on Reed’s shoulder. “Unless you wanna do something else~” My hand falls onto his upper thigh. God Reed is sexy.

He stares at my hand and slowly licks his lips. “O-okay..”

“Awesome!” I grin and climb onto his lap. “We’re going to have sex!”

“Yeah! Now get off okay.” I nod and do as he says. As soon as Reed’s on his feet I drag him to one of the back bedrooms.  When we’re both in I slam the door and lock it. No one is going to ruin my time with Reed.

“I want you.” I smirk at him, his face turns a soft pink color.

“Are you sure? Princess you’re drunk.”

My smirk turns to a frown. “Am nooot! And dammit I know what I want!” Is Reed saying he doesn’t want me now? After all his waiting he suddenly doesn’t want to park his car in my garage?

“Yes princess, you are trashed. Doing you now wouldn’t be right. How about you think about it and if you still want to do it tomorrow we will.”

I huff and sit on the bed. Laying back I grumble, “So we’re not doing anything?”

“You are going to sleep until Steve takes us home.”



Meh, sorry this chapter is crap...

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