Cheater, Cheater Pumpkin Eater

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Cheater, Cheater Pumpkin Eater

Finally after wiping my eyes I see Steve standing over a bloody nosed Reed. "Nobody says that shit about my baby bro and gets away with it." He growls obviously pissed off.

Dad clears his throat. "Reed, I'll be calling your parents to come pick you up." He wastes no time wiping out his cell phone.

The smirk on Reed's face, although covered in blood, seems satisfied. This is what he wanted all along. He used me and hurt me just so he could go home early. Staying here is so horrible that he used me, stole everything from me, just to go home a month early.

Dad steps out of the room and begins talking to his parents, Mom, on the other hand, runs off to her room muttering something about gays and sin. I push out my chair and shakily stand up. Reed's sitting now holding back his head, trying to stop the blood from pouring out his nose.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask, mumbling with no emotion. "Now."

He looks at me then nods. "Yeah, I guess I owe you that."

He follows me to my room.

"Why?" I ask, sitting on my bed. The door is closed and locked. "Why couldn't you have done something else? Anything else?"

We sit in an oddly comforting silence and for a moment I think I see the Reed who told me he loves- loved me. Not the liar. But as soon as he opens his mouth I know this was all real, he just embarrassed me in front of everyone important to me.

"Because Caleb, don't you get it? I just want to have a good time, so I used you for one. It took longer than I wanted it but you gave in just like I knew you would. You couldn't help but fall for me, I made that happen."

I look over to where he's leaning against the wall with his head down. For some reason I feel like he's lying again, of course that's probably because no one wants the person they love to be telling the truth when something like this happens.

"Please be lying again. P-Please." I feel the tears building up in my eyes again. "You can't just stand there and tell me you felt nothing that whole time." I manage to make it to my feet so I can walk over to him. "Please." I whisper, shaking badly.

His eyes slowly meet mine and I don't need an answer to know I'm right. That same guilty look shines as bright as ever in his gray eyes. "I'm s-sorry." His voice cracks. "But I had to." Reed's lip quivers and once again his head falls.

"Why? Why do you have to?!" I don't realize I'm shaking him until he gives me a light shove away. "Fucking answer me Reed? Is it Freddie? Huh? Is he the reason why you're being such a bastard?"

Wiping the now drying blood from under his nose, Reed nods.

"Who the fuck is he?" I'm scared by how angry my voice sounds. I've never been one for violence but who knows what I'm capable of in this state. No one has ever made me this angry.

But what comes out of his mouth pushes me beyond pissed.

"My boyfriend."

My anger takes over every part of my body, including my mouth and the words coming out of it. "I hope he hurts you so bad Reed! I want you to hurt! I want someone to break your heart so you can see how it feels!" Taking a few deep breaths to cool off I throw him a dagger-like glare. "Have fun Reed, I hope it was worth it. Because of you I'll never be okay, and you get to live with that guilt."


"Get out of my room." I hiss.


"Get. Out."

He doesn't have to be told again and as soon as I'm alone I burst into tears.

"May I have a word with you Caleb?" I don't answer, so mom takes it as a yes. "Was what he said all true?"

I nod slowly, staring out the window. The sun going down is like a curtain call for the by far worst day of my life. Tomorrow will start the long journey of recovery, one I'll probably never finish.

"Oh baby," she wraps both her arms around me tight and places a kiss on my head. "What Reed did was a terrible thing."

I'm shocked that she doesn't say 'what we did'. Did it blow past her head that her son liked a boy? Is she in denial?

"His parents should be here soon, and then he'll be gone." She releases both her arms around from around me. "Then we can forget about it."

"There's no we." I snap. "He didn't hurt you, mom."

She looks down at her lap and shakes her head. "No, he didn't directly hurt me, but he hurt you. Seeing you in so much pain hurts me just as much."

I bite my lip before saying the one thing dwelling on the tip of my tongue. "Aren't you upset that your son is a fag?"

"It'll take a little getting used to, but you're still my baby and I'll love you no matter what you do." She wipes a tear from underneath her eyes, smearing the brown eyeliner she always wears.

Maybe I will be okay. I've never realized how much my friends and family love me. Steve, standing up for me is even more shocking than mom being okay with me being gay. With their help I might just forget all about Reed and how stupid I was to trust him...

"Thank you mom."

I don't go out to say goodbye to Reed and a while ago dad came into to get his stuff. Facing him right now wouldn't be smart at all. I'm still shaking a little and seeing him before he leaves my life for good would just break my heart all over again. I hear my parents' conversation to his from the front door. I try zoning it out, not wanting to hear what they have to say. However I do hear them say their goodbyes (not one meant for Reed). The door closes and locks.

From outside I can hear the mumbled talk between Reed's family. Curiosity gets the best of me and I glance out my widow, spotting the trio. His mom and dad talk amongst themselves as Reed walks behind them with his head hung. They seem to pay no attention to him at all.

As they get into the car Reed looks directly at my window. Even though it's night and I don't think he can see me I feel like our eyes meet for a split second. Then Reed's in the car and its motor roars to life. And soon they're disappearing out of sight.

...I'm not going to forget him.


The end.

And no I'm not kidding.

Sorry if this chapter is crap. I wanted it up before I go to school...yeahhh I'm running out of time..

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