Chapter Seventeen

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On the way to pick Kurt up for the appointment, I was getting hit with all sorts of emotions. I walked into Kurt's room and he looked a lot better. His face wasn't as pale and the dark circles were disappearing underneath his eyes. He was sitting on the bed, playing his guitar and writing stuff in his journal. I smiled at him. "So, you ready for this?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded his head before giving me a kiss and following me out the door. "Good luck you two!" Debbie said as we walked past her desk. "Thanks, Debbie. This wouldn't be possible without you. We'll let you know how it goes." I smiled at her and we headed to the car.
  The smell of the doctor's office engulfed my nose as soon as we walked in and I thought I was going to be sick. I hated everything about hospitals and doctors offices. Kurt rubbed my hand as I checked in at the front desk and signed some papers. We sat down in the waiting room and my leg was shaking uncontrollably. Kurt stopped it with his hand and slightly smiled. "Careful Jade, don't wanna shake our child out of you." Kurt said sarcastically and grinned. "Oh shut up, Kurt." I slightly laughed. Having him there helped me so much. Soon enought, a nurse called my name and Kurt grabbed my hand as she led us to a room. "The doctor will be with you shortly." She smiled and closed the door behind her. "Uhhh, I hate this. I'm gonna be sick. Sing for me, Kurt?" I asked him, smiling the best I could. "Jade, we're in a doctors office." He chuckled. "Kurt, please? " I made a puppy face. "Fuck you, Jade." He laughed and shook his head before clearing his throat a little. He sang to me quietly and it instantly calmed my nerves and took me away from where I was at. The doctor walked in and Kurt blushed a little in embarrassment. I smiled at him and rubbed his hand. "How are you two doing today?" She asked, kindly. Kurt and I both said "good" at the same time and the doctor began asking some questions. "So, how far along do you think you are?" She asked as she wrote some stuff down. " Um, maybe a month or two i guess." I mumbled. A few moments later she left the room and drug in an ultrasound machine. I could tell Kurt was a little nervous himself. He was worried if the baby would be healthy, due to him being on heroin when I got pregnant. I was too busy staring at Kurt and then I realized a tiny fetus appeared on the screen. My eyes filled with tears and I heard Kurt sniffing. I looked over at him and he had a few tears running down his face, but he was also grinning from ear to ear. "There's your baby!" The doctor said, happily. "You're a little farther along than what you thought. You're about four months along and the baby seems to be healthy!" She said. I smiled. Kurt's blue eyes were glued to the screen in awe. "Actually, I can already tell what the gender is, would you like to know?" The doctor asked. I looked at Kurt and he was smiling and shaking his head yes. "Definitely." I said, excitedly. "Its a girl! Congratulations!" I had never seen Kurt so happy in my life. He was crying tears of joy and so was I.
  We stopped by Krist and Shelly's house on the way back to the rehab facility since we still had awhile before he had to be back. Krist opened the door in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here, you fuckers!" He grinned and pulled us into hugs. "Well, we came to deliver some news." I grinned. "You came just in time, Dave just got here too." He smiled as he took a sip of his beer. Shelli ran over to me and gave me a hug. Kurt and I took a seat on the couch and everyone else followed. "Well, what's the news?" Dave asked. I shot Kurt a "just play along" look and he grinned and nodded. "Well, our baby is an alien. We have to keep it a secret because we don't want the government finding out and taking it away. The doctor was so disturbed that she passed out and fell flat on her face. The whole place went haywire. So we came here to run and hide cause they're after us to cut it out of me." I said, seriously. "WHAT?! HOLY SHIT!!! WHY'D YOU COME HERE! I DON'T WANNA GO TO JAIL!" Krist yelled, terrified. Shelli's face was white and Dave's jaw was hanging open. Kurt couldn't handle it anymore and started cracking up. "I'm fucking with you guys, obviously. Geez. " I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You asshole!" Krist threw a pillow at me. "What's the real news?!" Shelli asked, impatiently. I grinned at Kurt and stood up, lifting my shirt up to show my stomach. Kurt had an idea, being the artistic person that he is, to paint my stomach pink to reveal it to the guys. Shelli screamed and hugged me. "I hope she's ready to meet her uncle Dave and uncle Krist! Congrats you guys. " Dave said, smiling. "And I hope she's ready to get fashion lessons from her aunt Shelli. She's gonna be a little grunge princess. Oh my god you guys, i'm so excited!" Shelli squealed. We talked for a little while and it was time to take Kurt back. I walked over to Debbie who was sitting there at her desk, bored out of her mind. I grinned at her and lifted up my shirt once more. "Aww, a little girl. She's going to be precious I can already tell. Congratulations you two. You'll be great parents." She smiled at us. We went back to Kurt's room and both of us were in such great spirits. "I hope she has your eyes." Kurt said as he strummed his guitar. "No way, she better have yours." I smiled. He rolled his eyes and smirked. It was getting late and I was feeling extremely tired. "Kurt, I guess I better head home. Not too much longer and you'll be coming with me. You can do this. We can do this." I smiled at him. He kissed me on the forehead then kissed my stomach. "I love you Jade. And I love you too my little bean." Kurt said, smiling. "Bean?" I asked, curiously. "Yeah, she looks like a tiny little bean on the ultrasound." He said, smiling. I smiled and we said our goodbyes for the night. The drive back home was finally a happy one.

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