Chapter Twenty-Four: Reminiscence-

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    When I knocked on the door to Logan's house, I didn't really expect to see Logan's mum glaring down on me once she'd opened the door. I wasn't sure if she actually had a problem with me, or if she just looked at everyone like that. You know, with that winning smile of hers. 

    She recognised me immediately, and stepped aside to let me in. Logan must've let her know that I'd be dropping by twenty minutes after I got off the phone with him. I was a little too eager to see Logan, practically jumping through the doorway and forgetting any and all of my manners. I didn't know if I was supposed to take my shoes off in front of her or say thank you. Fuck, she made me feel really intimidated. 

    "He's in his room, said to just tell you to go up," she explained. I wasn't sure if she was smiling or not, but I'm just gonna tell myself that she was happy to see me. It was much more nicer to think that, then to think that she was possibly murdering me inside her mind. Which was the impression I got every time she looked my way.

    "Okay, thank you Mrs. Young," I smiled politely, but wasted no time in racing up the stairs and leaving her behind me. I knocked on Logan's door to let him know that I was about to walk in, and found him all wrapped up in his duvets. The room was dark, curtains drawn, the only light source was Logan's phone, which he was sat playing on. 

    "Hey," he smiled, voice still sounding rough. He looked like death in a Jack Wills t-shirt. 

    "Hey," I closed the door and slipped my shoes off, climbing into bed beside him. "Feels ages since I last saw you." 

    "It's only been a day or two," he made what he could of a chuckle, nudging my head with his. "But I know what you mean." We shuffled about a bit, getting comfortable, and ended up with me tucked in at Logan's side, the duvet caving us in and the phone held out in front of us.

    "Is this what you do all day? Play Solitaire on your phone?" I laughed, tilting my chin up just enough so I could see his face. He was fully focused on his phone, sliding the pad of his thumb across the screen with pure concentration. 

    "Nah," he started. "Sometimes I play Tetris." 

    "Really? Ah man, I hate that game. I really don't get it. It confuses the fuck out of me." 

    "It's easy," he looked down at me with pity. "You have such a small brain." I elbowed him in his side, which made him groan and say, "Hey, take it easy, I'm a sick man." I huffed a small laugh, shifting a little closer in at Logan's side and burying my hands in his jumper. He was so freaking warm. I never wanted to climb out of this bed ever again. 

    "Yeah, what's going on with that, anyway? You feeling better?" I mumbled into his jacket, letting my eyes fall shut. 

    "I guess so. I mean, I'm not sleeping as much as I was before, so I think that's good." He explained, sounding a little distant and more focused on the game he was playing on his phone. 

    "Gooood," I dragged the word out, really happy that he was getting better. Once I knew he was completely fine, I could stop panicking, making a mountain out of a mole hill. I mean, people get sick. Alex got swine flu once and I didn't panic half as much as I had about Logan.  

    I felt him nudging his feet against mine, which made me smile and playfully nudge back. I didn't know if he was smiling too, but I had the feeling he was. We stayed like that for a while. Logan on his phone whilst I lay against his side with my eyes closed, playing footsie with each other every now and again. 

    I shuffled a little further up the bed, deciding that if I rested my eyes any longer I'd probably end up falling asleep on him, and I didn't think Logan would find that much fun. Our heads were side by side now. I sat watching Logan play Solitaire for a little while, noticing how the brightness of the screen was turned right down, yet Logan was still wincing against it. Like it was still too bright for his eyes to handle. 

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