Chapter Six: Promise-

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A/N: Gif of Ash...cause he's sexy. 

    I gently released the door handle, and listened as it clicked shut before slipping my shoes off and tiptoeing my way into the living room. It was dark. I could barely even see where I was going. The flat was completely silent that my breathing was beginning to sound too loud.

    Peering around the doorway, I could see Tony, Tyler and Mitch lined up along the right wall, fast asleep in their sleeping bags. The only thing filling the silence was the every-so-oft snoring from one of the four lads that entertained the otherwise empty room.

    I spotted my sleeping bag in front of the sofa, folded open ready for me to slip into. I remembered this morning I'd left it tossed over by the wall. Someone must have straightening it out for me, and the only person who was kind enough to do that was Alex, who I found sleeping a few inches away from my make-shift bed.

    With a sigh, I shuffled over and slipped my socks off, dropping them by the side of where I would sleep. My jacket was soon to follow, along with my trousers, until I was merely clad in my boxers. I shivered from the drop in the temperature my body was exposed to. I hated sleeping with the restraints of clothing, and I always looked forward to the heat of my sleeping bag.

    I slid into it, pulling it over my shoulder as I turned on my side. My eyes instantly focused on Alex's face, which was once peaceful and fast asleep, but now creased with a look of concern. I could only just make out his features in the soft orange glow that the street lights cast in through the window.

    We stared at each other in silence for quite a while. I could see his eyelids were starting to grow heavy, fluttering open and closed. Just as I thought he'd fallen back into sleep, he threw his covers from his body and quietly crawled over to my side. Wordlessly, he shuffled into the tiny space of my sleeping bag, leaving little or no room to breathe.

    I wanted to tell him to get out, simply because of what happened earlier between us. But that would have been a little unfair, since I'd told him if he ever needed me, no matter what, I'd be there for him.

    He would do this quite often; share my sleeping bag every time he either had a nightmare, or simply couldn't sleep. He was prone to anxiety attacks, and I was the only one who would help him through it. I couldn't exactly turn around and tell him where to fuck it, could I? Even if I felt uncomfortable to the point where I could cry.

    His eyes were watching the side of my face, and my own were looking up at the ceiling, avoiding his gaze. My teeth chewed on my bottom lip nervously, and my thumbs twiddled themselves awkwardly where my hands lay resting atop of my stomach.

    “I was worried about you,” came Alex's soft, whispering voice by my ear. I tilted my head to the side, just enough so I could meet his gaze.

    “What was there to be worried about?”

    He paused, seemingly in thought. “I don't know. I just- I was just worried about you. I don't like it when you're out late.” It was quiet for a minute, and then he said, “Not that, you know, you can't handle yourself or anything. I-” he sighed, turning his face into the shadows. “I know this makes me sound a bit weird but...I can't sleep if I don't know whether you're safe or not.”

    When his gaze returned, he carried with it an apologetic smile. “So I stayed up for you. I wanted to see if you were okay before I went to sleep,” he continued, voice still a mere whisper. “You were ages. Where did you go?”

    I shrugged in reply, not wanting to talk about it tonight. His eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks as he blinked. The orange tint to the room made his blue eyes turn a jaded green colour, lighting them up like there was a whole new world hidden inside them.

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