Chapter Thirty: The Call-

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A/N: *Hides behind hands* 

    It'd been a few days since I left Logan in his room. I knew I should have gone back the next day, but I just couldn't bring myself to face him. I hated myself for being such a coward. I wish I could just lock all my emotions up and be there for him, but that was a lot easier said than done. I was too afraid that I'd break down on him, and put even more shit on his plate than he really needed. 

    So I'd been hiding at Nate's for the past three days. Logan hadn't called, probably knew that I needed some space, and didn't wanna make me feel like I was being pushed into this whole situation. That was just the way Logan was; always caring about everyone else, and not his own needs. Even though his needs were far more important than mine.

    Nate hasn't really been around all that much, since he obviously has to work. The only times he's really been around was early in the mornings and, mostly, late at night. I didn't even know what he did for a job - something business-y, maybe. Like a lawyer. He did look a bit like a lawyer. 

    At that moment, the hotel door opened and in he strolled. He always had this elegant look about him, whenever he walked in from work. All dressed up in his suit and tie. Admittedly, it did feel a bit weird, almost like I was living here for real these past few days. Especially when Nate made dinner, or offered to take me out to eat. 

    But more than anything, it made me feel guilty. I wanted to be doing this with Logan. I should have been doing this with Logan. I was feeling guilty for that, and also for pretty much using Nate. I don't know if he knew I didn't have the same feelings towards him that I have for Logan, but all the same, I was still using the guy. 

    Nate gave me a charming smile as he slid his jacket from his shoulders, and folded it over one of the kitchen table's chairs. 

    "You hungry?" He asked, making his way over to the fridge. It was already nearing about half six in the evening, and I hadn't really eaten anything all day. I wasn't particularly hungry, really. So I shook my head, and Nate proceeded in only making himself a quick sandwich. 

    He sat down beside me and switched the TV on, that was mounted on the wall in front of the sofa. I propped my feet up on the table and lounged back, but I wasn't able to concentrate on the programme. I sort of tuned out into my thoughts, and the TV became a fuzzy background noise.

    I don't know how long I'd been sat there, chewing on the inside of my lips and panicking about the fact that I hadn't gone back to Logan's, before my phone started buzzing inside my pocket, pulling me out of my daze. 

    I tried to remember if the number seemed familiar to me, but it didn't. I answered it anyway, soon after realising that I probably shouldn't have, since it might've been someone wanting a quick shag, and I wasn't exactly in the mood to work. 

    "Ash, yeah?" The caller said. His voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put a face to it, or a name. It sounded quite serious, a sort of panicked edge to the voice. I muttered a yes and waited for him to continue. "It's Logan." 

    I removed my feet from the table and planted them on the floor, as I leaned forward. I waited for him to continue, but when he didn't, I said, "What about Logan? What's happened?" I'd completely tossed aside trying to figure out who the guy was on the other end. That didn't matter anymore. 

    "He's at St. John's hospital. All I know is that he's in the ICU." My heartbeat started picking up in pace, thudding against my chest. I didn't know what to say as a reply, my brain couldn't get past the thought of getting to the hospital. I hung up, shoving the phone in my pocket and running towards the door to put my shoes on.

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