Chapter Eighteen: A Little Somethin' Somethin'-

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    With my hands on his hips, I guided Nate backwards until he fell into the sofa, never once releasing my lips as he kissed me, easing my bottom lip open but I refused him access as I pulled away. Straddling him, I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped his tie free. He all too eagerly tugged his shirt from his arms and tossed it to the floor, hands instantly seeking out the button of my jeans and quickly unzipping me.

    I leaned back just far enough, without falling off the edge, to give him a little more room to move. He slowly grew frustrated that he couldn't quickly and efficiently get my jeans off while in the current position, so he flipped me onto my back so that he was now kneeling between my legs on the floor. I shuffled further up the sofa until I was sitting on it comfortably, only to find that I was being pulled back down by Nate as he fought to get my jeans off.

    Soon he'd completely discarded my boxers and wrapped his fingers around the base of my cock, licking a hot stripe up the length of my shaft, swirling his tongue around the head and suddenly my brain turned into one of those bloody debate shows, so as Nate was fucking deep-throating meand although all my attention was supposed to be on that––because fuck, I was getting my first blowjob from the guy and it was god damn amazing––yet instead, I was having a mental war with myself, that went a little like this:

    Oh, fuck, that feels so good–shit, I should have checked in on Alex, I haven't seen the kid in a whole day––oh man, yeah just like that, what a fucking mouth––you shouldn't be enjoying it this as much, pull yourself together, it's your job and you need to think about Loga– no, no don't think about Logan––oh Jesus Christ Lord help me that's incredible...

    And my thoughts pretty much continued down that same road of confused emotions and indecisive thoughts with the occasional moan and maybe, maybe, a slight whimper here and there. Thoughts of Logan practically dominated my mind.

    I briefly wondered what it would be like to have Logan's mouth around me instead of Nate's––and shit, that got me exploding down Nate's throat, surprising both myself and Nate. It left me feeling like I was fifteen and getting head for the first time, all over again.

    Nate sighed all satisfied and smug, as if he thought the fact that I came so fast was all down to him. I didn't have the heart to let him know I was actually thinking about someone else. He collapsed into the sofa beside me, palm laying flat against his crotch, eyes lazily staring in my direction.

    “Need a hand?” I offered, smirking around the words and nodding my head towards his crotch. He chuckled, almost shyly, before shifting his hand away and revealing a little patch on his jeans that told me he'd actually come in his pants. Some mid-thirties guy, clearly one that had been around the block quite a bit, had come in his pants. At least I probably wasn't the only one feeling like a fifteen year old all over again. It was kinda hot, if I was honest.

    “Couldn't help myself, pleasure looks amazing on you and sounds even better,” he said, grinning. He still sounded out of breath. I hid my face in embarrassment, shielding his view from the obvious blush that was staining my face.

    Nate's fingers curled around my jaw, turning my face back towards his, before returning it to his lap where his other hand was resting patiently. There was a long gap of silence where I stared at him and he stared back, completely lost in our thoughts. I kept trying to shrug off this one, nagging question that was practically begging me to be asked.

    Eventually I couldn't hold back any more and with everything silent, there was nothing stopping me from doing so. I decided it was a pretty good ice-breaker, not to mention a relevant question that I reckon deserved an answer.

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