Another one

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The dough sizzles in contact with the oil and the hot surface. One or two minutes, just watch them closely, once the bubbles on the surface become numerous, it's time to turn it. 

Aiden's little treat every morning was making breakfast for his two kids, before dropping them off at school.

He ran his hand quickly through his light brown hairs, pushing them back so as to see something as they quickly fell back on his face. He carefully placed the pancakes on a plate.

Today there were a few more people than usual at the table.

All eyes couldn’t help but be on him, following his every move and as soon as he turned around everyone pretended to look away.

Tinea's gaze is not deprived, he leaned towards the boys next to him and whispered to them in a low voice.

Tinea: Have you ever seen a man that pretty ?

Attila: Antony.

Tinea: So true bestie.

Antony: Awh, come on ...

Conrad stared into a math book. His grandson, Sean, struggled to explain where his problem was.

His son walked over, setting the plate full of pancakes on the table wishing the guests un bon appétit.

Aiden: Thank you for helping Sean with his homework, I can’t follow. I never liked math.

Zack: Sir, you are so relatable.

Calie: And breathtaking.

Conrad gave the bad kids a look that spoke volumes.

Conrad:… No problem, I have to admit it doesn’t look like a book from his class.

Sean: I already finished all the models of my class level.

Tinea: You can “finish” them ? If we did half of it at school in one year that was already a miracle…

Aiden: Sean… Likes to work in his free time, let's say. 

Tinea: Hell, nightmare. 

Conrad: Tinea likes to free time in his work, let’s say. 

The others mocked their friend while he was desperately looking for arguments in his favor.

Aiden took a seat at the table, after tidying up the kitchen a bit and bringing a plate to his daughter, Asshu, doomed on the couch in front of her video game, having no room at the table.

Aiden: I would love to know all of you, why don’t you do a little presentation ?

Conrad: I am your father-

Aiden: Terrible. Next one.

Tinea: Cheh.

Kvéta: We should do it clockwise. 

Tinea: Then you are first.

Kvéta: Oh no … Hum.. I’m Kvéta, nice to meet you. I’m 21 years old, I’m still studying at university and I have no idea what to do next. 

Zack: I’m Zack Layos, same age, same destiny. I’ve chosen a much more artistic path than them and I am also very much single and free.

Calie: Eh- Hello I am Calie, it’s a pleasure to be here, thanks for the food. I will soon turn 19 and… I’m Tinea and Kvéta’s daughter. 

Tinea: So true.

Kvéta: My angel. 

Attila: Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Attila, I’m 21 years old and I work in Thavach as a radio host. I usually interview celebrities, like Lucky Cat and Mister Bug. I am a big fan of Mister Bug, I might be too obsessed with him. Did I tell you I like Mister Bug ? Anyway, your dad seems nice. He has a good influence on Tinea, as I noticed. I came here with Antony. Can I start eating ? Damn, I like this city. It has many sightseeings.

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