ch 6:Reality or dream?

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"I got a chance to spend time with him,I shouldn't have talked to him like that"
I braided my hair and did my makeup,just a little bit to highlight my features.
I left home early.I wanted to go to the library to check on few books regarding dreams.I would like to find out why I keep having dreams about him,only him and that strange place.
When I checked about this on the Internet yesterday,it stated some weird facts.
It said like this,"Their appearance in your dream simply means that you're feeling confused about something related to them that maybe unresolved"
What does this even mean?Confusion?Having something unresolved?. Well,it's all a bit true to some extent.But,I don't believe the Internet,so I thought books might help in some way.

The library is cool and smells like carpet cleaner,all though all I can see is marble.I have never been in the Newcity Library before,and now that I've gotten past the dark,foreboding entrance I am excited.I have a sort of Christmas-morning sense of the library as a big box full of beautiful books.The elevator is dimly lit,almost silent.I stop on the third floor and fill out an application for a Reader's Card, then I go upstairs to the science section.My boot heels rap the wooden floor.The room is quiet and crowded,full of solid,heavy tables piled with books and surrounded by readers.The autumn morning light shines through the tall windows.
There I found the book,"All about dreams" by Carey McArthur.I wasn't in the mood to read now.I promised myself to read it when I have time.I placed it there and rushed to school.
I saw Jake on my way to school.
He waved at me and even shaked my hand and started talking,which I didn't bother to listen.
"So,I'm sorry about the other day.But I wasn't lying when I said,you were beautiful."
My watch went on with a beep!beep!beep!
I knew it was a lie,I looked at my watch.To my surprise,it never showed any signal of lies but it showed that my heart beat was racing fast!!
Then did he really mean it? I blushed.I looked at the road,my head down.So,he wouldn't notice my red cheeks.
"So,how's everything-",I paused."With Shiya",I laughed nervously.
"Not so good,she's kinds of like dominating people and I don't like that."
Well,it's your girlfriend and you chose her baby.Deal with it.
"I don't know what to do . I'm thinking of just ending things with her"
I looked at him in shock.
"I have always liked you.Now,after I hurted your feelings for Shiya",he breathed heavily.
"I regret it now",his voice was dull.
I was waiting for my watch to sound like crazy and prove all that he had said now was a lie.But there was not a single beep and both of us remained silent.
I taped on my watch and held it tightly.
'Is it not working properly?'.I thought to myself.
"Would you accomany me to the cinemas this weekend? ",he held my hand.
"I know you will",he answered his question himself and ran inside his classroom jumping in joy,while I stood there with a weird expression on my face.
I shifted emotions so quickly in this five minute talk with him.From anger to shock to nervous to....happiness!!
He has finally noticed me!But now even after he has talked to me about his feelings for me.I didn't feel my heart flutter or did I find any joy in what he said!
I walked back to my class,completely lost in thoughts.
"Learnt for the science test",I walked past the nerd girl who was busy with her books.
She smiled at me,so I smiled back.
"What's wrong with people today?Did they started liking me suddenly?"
I sat next to Shawn,who turned away when our eyes met.
"It's already October,has it already been a couple of months since I came here?
He oqpened the window gently,to welcome the cold breeze.A fresh air rushed to the front.With a golden light,the sun came out revealing a kind smile.
"Time is like Ussain Bolt",I smiled at his sunlit face.
Meiko sat beside me with a worried face.Other girl surrounded me with caring questions.
"You look so beautiful today!",a blonde girl with flashy orange shirt smiled at me,cheerfully.
"Are you alright,I was so worried about you?Why didn't you show up to school,yesterday",Meiko looked at me with pitiful eyes.
"She got a little sick playing on the muddy manure floor".
They turned to look at him,totally shocked.I was surprised by his sudden weird answer too.
"This is a type of dance and games commonly played by children on the outskirts of Joscon.She went to see her grandma there and had a nice time doing the farm dance"
"Farm dance?",Meiko wrinkled her nose.
"Yes,don't you know?They barely dress up,they dance and play games in floor that's made ready with fresh cow manure.Who knows what all they put there?"
He paused for a moment as to not laugh.
"But my brother has been to those field dances and he said it's fun . I'm going with Jade this weekend to Farm games",he turned to the girls
"Would you'll want to come to this?It's'll love it"
"We would like to,but this is strange.I mean-",Meiko was wondering what to say.
"I'm not going to dance on any cowshit floor",Lesilda said with utter disgust.
I nod,praying desperately I don't suddenly snort with laughter.
Wait,Is he teasing them or humiliating me?
Oh my,He's doing both!!...This guy..haha!!
"I would like to go to Farm dance on my first date",he remarked proudly.
"Eh?",they looked at him with shock.
"Like I said,it's fun.So,I'll remember my first date forever",he kept his hand on his chest,and pretended to talk emotionally,which made it even funnier.
I ran out of the class and started bursting with laughter.
I spotted Jake near the Locker room.He seems to be looking for someone,so I quickly ran inside my class,laughing my ass off!
He came running behind me.I gasped for breath.
"So,are you free this weekend?",he asked happily.
"No,she's going for fresh cowshit party",lesilda said coldly.
"Huh?",he looked at me puzzled.
Meiko explained him about it.
"Doesn't it smell?".He shaked his head aggressively answering his own thoughts.
"I mean yeah,enjoy the dance.Im sorry I won't be able to come because I have this-",he was trying so hard to find an excuse.
"I know you'll have some family gatherings or something",I gave him a point to carry on.
"Yes,you're right!I've got an important family gathering.So,I'm sorry!",he shrugged.
Why is this so funny?I literally was dying inside.My goodness!I can't with Shawn.
He just arrived here a couple of months ago,but has already got close to every one here very quickly,while I'm here struggling to say "hello" to the faces I've been seeing constantly for like five years.
He's handsome,and good at sports too.So people tend to notice him quickly.But I always stick on to the walls like a lizard.He easily turns heads 'cause of his handsomeness,especially I can't with the girls who line up to watch him in his sportswear.He looks even more good!He's not a guy to go to the gym daily and having a bulked up arms.He is thin,his fit and flat abs with a little muscle sticking to his hands and legs.But he's got a badass charisma,that attracts people.
Is this what they call a pretty privilege?!
In my dreams,he is a totally opposite version from here.
He is so innocent and always talks about how the people around the world go crazy for looks and money.He always gives his humanitarian talks but in real life,he's this badass guy who tricks
you into watching a horror movie saying it's a romantic one,playing with people's heart casually and says lies and makes people believe it's true!

We walked together to the river bridge laughing all the way.
"You must have seen their faces",I laughed.
He smiled and held my hands tightly.
The clouds in the evening are changing rapidly
.The clouds in front of me are eight-legged pigs.In a blink of an eye,they become a waterfall that descends from the sky.Before you can see it completely,it has become a blood-red flamingo.
"What's wrong with that guy,Jake?",he asked finally.
"He just wanted to go out with me?"
"A date?",he laughed.
"Why are you laughing?"
"So,what did say?",he looked me with a worried smile.
"I'm thinking of a way to turn him down",my lips made a tiny pout.
"Say him that you already have a boyfriend".He said calmly,tightening his grip.
"Huh?but where will I go for a boyfriend? "
"You're walking with him,right now. Don't worry,he'll look after everything for you"
I was so,so,so shocked to hear that.He looked down at me and winked.

I decided to work part time.So,I could buy something for Shawn's birthday that will be coming after three months.I have to save from now on!It's his first birthday with me,I must make it a grand one.
Ann told me that she'll help me find a suitable job,'cause a friend of hers works at a well known café.
I somehow managed to gather everything that has happened today.I still didn't give my reply to Shawn.Well,I wanted to make him wait . That's fun!
I marked this day on my calendar.This has to be the best day of my life.Two confessions in just one day,from two handsome boys.
I laughed at the thought.
"But to be honest,I like him more in my dreams!"

He was wauting there ,lying on the beach sand with his arms behind his head as though he knew I would appear here any second.
"Did you wait too long?",I sat beside him.
The breeze came up and wrapped strands of my long hair around my neck.I gathered it in my hands and brought it all forward over one shoulder.
"Something interesting happened today!"
I told him everything that happened today. I kept smiling like an idiot.
"What?!",he glanced at me for a moment.
"How dare of 'real me'?"he said.
I never mention Shawn's name to him or his name to Shawn.I just classify them as the dreamguy and the real one.
"Who was the first guy you met,me or the real me?".His voice rockets in panics.
"It's you!but-"
"Then stay with me here forever.I ain't letting you go this time".He held my hands tightly.
His hands were cold,quivering with fear.
I looked at him but remained muted while his eyes was set on the dark sky.
"No matter how tight you hold,I might disappear!....",my voice trailed.
The new moon is like a golden boat moored among sparse branches.
"True love will find its way",he said his eyes still fixed on the little winkers on the sky.

In the early morning,a few little birds screamed crisply at my window,and the sound awakened me.I gently pushed open the window and a fresh,fragrant air rushed over.Take a deep breath.Ah!This is the taste after the rain,the taste of life!
I took the diary that was lying beside my comic books and started my day with it.

Dear Shane,
I via no capacity anticipated it to show up so fast!Everything is happening so fast and I'm losing my mind!It feels like we are the photo voltaic and the moon geared up to desperately trying to entice each other while the whole world was waiting for us to collide.I wanted to be with you too,but I couldn't.I don't understand anything. I don't know why it's always you!
Everytime I shut my eyes,I'm in front of you.Well,that's the fine phase I like.Your love shapes me in your absence too.Like these stars in the sky, that only looks at you from a far. I search for you in my dreams, attempting to be with you forever.I really don't know how long this forever is gonna last!

Love of hearts become ashes,but the souls burn forever.If we were really connected like that,then like you said:

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