ch 10:Just you and me!

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       I wouldn't describe my life as a perfect masterpiece,but eventually I'm starting to love my life and being grateful to be born as Jade,born as me.
  I walked towards school with tiny steps,my mind filled with thoughts of Shawn.Times are rare when I don't think about him.
   I have to talk to Shawn about all the gossips that's been going around.He is an amazing guy,tall,smart,cutest smile and light brown eyes.He has a pretty common hairstyle but he is the sweetest person you could ever meet.He wears decent clothes,not like the ones that's been torn here and there,which they call it a fashion.He likes to dress up more formally.
    I've been with him for about two-three months but it feels like we just met yesterday.Everytime I am not in the greatest mood,he will always find a way for me to smile and laugh and will eventually make me forget about the things that are stressing me out.
He has a loving,unique personality,great sense of humour,friendly and brave.
  I'm trying to be totally honest . I'm actually in love with Shane and not Shawn.I feel so happy in my dreams,when I'm with him.But,I can't live with someone in my dreams,daydreaming about him all day.If Shawn is perfect,Shane is beyond perfect.I'm trying to replace Shawn with Shane because there's no way I can find someone like Shane.Someone so pure and innocent.So I have to go for Shawn, the real life Shane.
   I reached school but something stopped me from stepping inside.
I was scared of him.In my dreams,I'm the one whose dominating him there.But in reality,everything is opposite.Maybe because it's my dream,everything happens favourable for me.
   I opened the door and arranged the messy desks.I erased the scribblings on the blackboard and went and sat on my seat,looking outside the window,waiting for everyone to arrive.
   The classroom was filled with students in just seconds.My eyes shifted to the tall figure,entering the class.
    Meiko ran to him but he ignored her,with his eyes fixed on me with a smirk.A total playboy look!
He walked towards me with a bright smile while I sat and watched him with a pout.
     He sat behind me,on his seat.
"Lets talk ".He whispered into my ears from behind"
    That really made me scared.I turned around and smiled sassily.
  "Lets meet at the bridge"
  He gave me a thumbs up.
        During classes,he kept playing with my legs from behind,which only made me more uncomfortable.I tried to release my leg from his grip,but it only made him hold on to me more stronger.
    "Ouch!That hurt..Why do you keep pulling my legs from behind?"
   "For ignoring   me yesterday".
"Well,it was you who made me ignore you!"
    Jake was roaming around in the corridor,in front of my class.
  "Jake,can I talk to you?"
"Yes, of course.Why not?I'm all ears",he came running with a joyful smile on his face.
  Oh!poor him,he thinks I still love him after all what he had done to me!
"I'm sorry . I'm not free this weekend.So-"
  "I heard you're going to that dance.",he made a disgusted face.
  "We can go to the cinemas next week",he chuckled.
   Shiya walked past us with a disgusting stare.
  "She's totally a slut. Boyfriend stealer",she muttered to herself.
   "No,I already have someone.So,I'm sorry",I shrugged.
  "Who is he?Is that the new guy in your class?The one whose going with you to the dance?",he investigated.
  "No,it's not him. That's one of my family friends",I lied.
  "Oh!",he was taking in every information that I've told him.
   "Gotta go,I'll catch up with you,later",I tried to leave but Jake held my hands.
  "Don't I  deserve a second chance?"
,he looked at me with a pout.
   "I'm sorry.I shouldn't have pushed you down the stairs or humiliated you at the party.I did this all to get back again with Shiya.Now that I've realised my mistake and broke up with her.Don't I not deserve a second chance?"
   For some reason,I was not angry at him at all.All I thought about was Shane.It is stupid of me to think about some random person who appear in my dreams to live with me forever.
  "I'm sorry,Jake.There's nothing I can do.I've promised the one I love,that I'll stay by his side forever.I can't break up with him just for you.I'm sorry".
   I ran inside my class.When I turned back to see whether he has gone;He was still standing there staring at me,with a unidentifiable expression,flowing on his face.
    I was too tired to listen to the classes,especially the economics and the history classes are the best to sleep!I'm glad I have them everyday,haha!
    When the final bell rang,I eyed an signal to Shawn which meant,'meet me at the bridge '
    I waited for him to come.The puppy was now sleeping beside me,peacefully.I patted it's head.
     The sun was hanging far in the air,throwing thousands of rays of light and just the right amount of warmth.But it is getting more and more violent.It is as if a burning flame is burning your soul.
    I patiently waited for him under the bridge.I waited for like an hour,but he never showed up.I tried reaching him,but he didn't pick up my calls.
   I was angry and worried at the same time! It was getting late for my work,so I rushed to the café.
   I entered the coffee shop exhausted.As it was already late,I didn't have a chance to go home and get changed.
  So I changed into my Last taste's uniform and designed  my flowing hair into a bun.
    When I was about to start my work,arranging the coffee mugs.Something caught my eye.
   It was Shawn.He was sitting with a girl on one of the  table,busily talking about something which I was unable to hear.He kept looking around as if searching for someone.His swimming eyes landed on me.He smiled and waved at me,when the girl didn't notice.
He shrugged with a worried smile,which showed the Sorry-I couldn't -make-it look.
     It looked like he was sitting there with no interest to talk to the girl!
   Who is this new girl?And what is he doing with her?
    I somehow managed to keep an eye on them during my work,but I couldn't stand to see him with another girl.

     The more I see Shawn,the more I fall for Shane.I'm doubting if I should go for a 'yes'...I keep choosing Shane even when he's not an option.Can I believe you,Shawn?Will you hold me when I fall for you?Will you wait for me like he does?Will you still love me even if I hurt you?
      I don't want to see the colour of heart break,So I should think about it again atleast a  ten thousand times before I say a "yes"!

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