ch 15:Was it just a dream?

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I was in the Frecas bookstore,a small library near my house.This library is specially for the students from Levleon High.I was reading a new book this time.This book,"Everytime I see you in my dreams" by Tom Felling speaks about how you meet someone in your dreams and why does that happen and so and so.
The noise here is increasing little by little .It doesn't feel like a library at all . The room was filled with murmurs and whispers that floated above the head of students and through the roof.There were constant whizz of the printer,the constant tap of the keyboard,the scratch of a pen or paper,the constant flick of a book.The lady trying to manage the silence broke it herself.
I couldn't concentrate here,so I decided to take this book home.I haven't eaten anything yet.So I stopped by at 'Fast food for you',a restaurant miles away from my home.When I peeked in through the transparent glass doors,it seemed to be less crowded.When I entered the restaurant,the aroma of the foods placed inside the transparent cabinet reminded me of how hungry I was.The marble tiled floor beneath me gives the restaurant a clean appearance.
I wore an oversized t-shirt which read,"bad girls rock!",with a matching denim shorts and I've worn a high ponytail that keeps dangling which made me irritated when I walked under the sun.I never wear written t-shirts like these.It was my sister's. She always has a bunch of cool dresses,but I go for cute more than cool.
They had soft cushion sofas that led my body sink right down in them.I ordered a plate of spaghetti and fried chicken.I was eating like there was no tomorrow.I was so hungry and also that I've used my brain in books,more energy was consumed.I sat there for a few minutes after I finished.
A young lady stood next to me with a welcoming smile.I did not have enough money to tip the waitress so I just thanked her and left.
It was already one.People were walking with umbrellas and sunglasses.The sun was on its high,roasting everyone.I could feel myself burning.I get sunburns very easily as my skin is a little too sensitive.I hurried home as fast as I could.
It doesn't feel like winter at all.The earth is becoming weird lately all because of human actions.Humans are trying hard to push the big earth into a microwave oven.
I ran down a shower and got ready for my work.I sat down on the stairs,near the door,in the sun and toweled my hair.I bent over and with it hanging from the top of my head ran my fingers through it,then racked it with the big-toothed comb.The sun felt warm on my back.I took my time dressing.I put on my clean underclothes,then my dress.I took down my hair and brushed it.Shawn has always said that my hair was pretty.Keeping it loose,I parted it in the middle,allowing it to dip down on each side of the part.Using the hand mirror,I inspected the back.
I took a little extra care in dressing,today.As I was determined to tell my feelings towards him.It was hard for me to believe that I was dressing to go out alone with a boy.What would he think if he knew that no one had ever asked me out before?
I practised for a few minutes infront of the mirror to calm myself down.So that I won't blabber nonsense infront of him.It's just a matter of saying 'yes' but I don't know why I'm so scared. I don't even know if this was the right thing to do.
Satisfied I had done the best I could,I dabbed a little water on my neck.I wanted to wear the pendant,but feared I would lose it somewhere,so I just placed it on my study table and left for the coffee shop.
I entered the big coffee house and started my work as usual.To my surprise I saw Shawn seated at a distance but this time,with another girl.
Wait-I know that girl.She's a girl from the class next to mine.What is she doing her with him?
It seems like they were happily talking.Shawn's eyes fell on me.He waved at me.I signalled him to wait and entered the small office to get changed.
When I came back,the girl was gone.He was sitting there alone,scrolling through his phone.I went near him,pretending to be taking orders.
"What is she doing here?"
"She's from our school.Her name is Tanya.I was waiting for you here.I was sitting alone here.So she told me that she'll wait, giving me a company until you arrive."
"Fine.Are you gonna keep waiting for me here?"I asked him in a little upset and an annoyed tone.I was really sad after seeing him with her.Though she was only trying to be friendly and help him.My possessiveness is overflowing!
"No . I've got work too.We'll meet outside the coffee shop once your work gets over.I'll be waiting there outside.",he got up and showed me a thumbs up.
I nodded with a smile.

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