letter thirty seven

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dear park sunghoon,

no matter what you do or say, i will not show up or reveal myself to you, i swear.

i can't help but be pissed at you and crying over you at the same time. is this still not enough reason for you just wake up?

but it's okay, i'm not meant to be loved by park sunghoon.

but it's okay, i will learn to move on and one day would just laugh about it on why i became crazy over you for one time.

but you, oh you, who was too frustrating will regret not opening your eyes too early.

not because i was hoping for you to love me back. because it'll be too late for you to realize how wrong hana is for your heart.

and you should know before the wake up call punch you in the face,

you make blind people want to kill you for not using your eyes when you have it.

- y.

Dear Park Sunghoon ⚊ Letter Series #4Where stories live. Discover now