Nate Hansen

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My alarm gave me a startle at 6:00 in the morning. I sat straight up in my bed, and realized that that was not the best idea. I groaned as my stomach felt like it was on fire in hell. I laid back down on my comfortable mattress that felt like a cloud. But unfortunately, I got woken up again 20 minutes later.

"Nate? It's time to get up honey." My mom put her hand on my cheek where I was punched by my ex-best friend.

"OW!" I harshly-said without meaning to. My mom put a little too much pressure on my cheek.

"Oh! Sorry honey! I forgot that Ashton..." She let out a sigh. "You should probably stay home today. Do you want me to stay here with you? You probably shouldn't be here alone."

"No mom, you should go to work. I will be fine." I turned over in my bed, wanting to go back to sleep.

"Are you sure? Because you know, I can stay home and cook lunch for you. And you will probably need to ice those bruises and your hand because it looks pretty swollen this morning and-"

"Mom! I'll be fine." I groaned. "There are more sick kids out there who need you more than me. I know how to make a sandwich, and I can grab an ice pack out of the freezer by myself."

"Oh alright." She got off my bed and patted me on the head. "I hope you don't do anything to rambunctious while I am gone. Be a good boy." She kissed my forehead.

"Mom... I'm not five."

"I know. But I wish you still were." A sad smile appeared across her lips, and she walked out of my room, and out of the house.


It was nice to wake up on my own without an alarm. I turned over to my clock and it read 10:42. Wow. I did sleep in pretty late. Being very cautious, I sat up and put on some sweats and a hoodie. The hardwood stairs were still cold as my feet walked down each step into the kitchen.

I popped some bread into the toaster and turned on the TV. The TV was on the News Channel because my mom watches the news every morning. I was about to change the channel when I heard the news headline. The news woman was dressed in rain-gear and you could see the rain showering down and smacking her in the face.

"I'm at the crime scene where a man was murdered. As you can see, the man was dressed in all black wearing a ski mask. The police assume that this man identified as Robert Chaney was attempting to rob a citizen. On the road you can see tread marks from a car's tires, possibly a hit-and-run. Robert Chaney killed from a gun-shot wound to the head. If you know any information about Robert Chaney or about this possible hit-and-run, contact the police station immediately."

That's weird. There is rarely any murders in this town. I wonder why this happened all of a sudden? Whatever probably nothing. I switch the channel to TNT where they were having a Supernatural marathon.

"YES! I picked the perfect day to stay home!" I buttered my toast and plopped on the couch with orange juice in one hand, and my toast in the other. I set both of them down on the coffee table, and threw a brown fuzzy blanket over me. It was freezing today with the rain outside.

Twenty minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. I groaned. This was one of the best episodes! It's where Dean dies every Tuesday and Sam tries to figure out why. I walked to the door, not taking my eyes off of the TV.

I was shocked to see Ashton at my door step. My eyes widened and I slammed the door in his face and locked the door.

"You're not coming in, butthole!" I shouted at him through my brown door.

"Nate, I just want to talk." He talked back to me. Not shouting though, he actually sounded a little worried.

"Did you hear me? I said you're not coming in!" The sound of my door knob rattling confused me. What was he trying to do?

Then my door started opening and I was pushing it back to keep it closed. Unfortunately, I was not very strong because of my wounds and bruises. Ashton pushed open the door with little effort.

"Have you come back to punch me again? And when did you learn to pick locks?!"

"No, and never mind that. Nate, I need you to help me. I need you to hide this." He pushes a gun towards me.

"Whoa! Why do you have a gun? Oh my god, what did you do?! Get away from me! Go away or I am calling the cops! GO!" I started running towards the couch and grabbed my cell phone. I glanced at the TV. What would the Winchesters do? Probably kill him. But I couldn't do that to my best friend! Well, he's not my best friend anymore. Should I trust him, or should I turn him in? Did he kill Robert Chaney?

"Nate, just put the phone down, please. For one second." He set the gun down slowly and put his hands up in surrender.

"Oh please! Why should I listen to you?! You betrayed me! I was helping you and you came over and BETRAYED me! My best friend!" I was yelling now. I was really pissed off.

"I know, okay! I was wrong. But please just listen." He started walking towards me, and I started dialing 911. He dashed towards me in a mad sprint and clutched the phone out of my hand before I realized what was happening. He pinned me down to the rug on my living room floor, and threw my phone across the room.

"HEY!" I shouted. That was my phone! My mom was not going to be happy if she sees that my phone has a cracked screen.

"Just LISTEN!" He yelled. "I know you are angry at me, but you need to understand. I need you to help me. I killed-"

"Robert Chaney? Yeah I figured." I look away from him. "And you are sitting on my STOMACH! That KINDA HURTS!!" He sat off my stomach, but continued to pin me down.

"You have to understand. That guy was robbing me, and he was about to kill me."

"Yeah? Well, he should have." I will admit, I did cross the line there. Knowing that he was already suicidal, I shouldn't have said that. "Ashton, I'm sorr-"

"You know what? No. I came here to ask for help. And if you are just going to tell me to kill myself, which is what I wanted to do in the first place, I might as well do it!" He walks over to the gun and studies it as he slowly picks it up.

"NO!" I grab the TV remote and chuck it at his hand that has the gun in it. To my surprise, the remote actually knocked the gun out of his hand, leaving him in awe. I grin at my killer moves, but shake it off and get up, walking over to Ashton. I kick the gun so it is out of reach.

"YOU listen to ME! I am still extremely pissed off at you, so if you tick me off again, I might not ever forgive you. My answer is NO. I will not hide that gun, because you need to deal with your own crap. But..." I walk over to the gun, turn the safety on, and open the chamber and take out the remaining bullets. "I will take these. Because I don't trust you, I am doing this for you. Don't do anything stupid." I toss the now empty gun to him. He catches it. "Now get out of my god darn house!" I show a slight grin and he walks out of the house in confusion. I slam the door, and continue to watch Supernatural and eat my breakfast. I don't think that was what the Winchesters would do, I think that's what Bobby Singer would do.

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