Chapter 1

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Victoria in MM

Living in DTX ain't easy, many people know my home as Detroit,Michigan, but either way it goes we gotta a rep. I'm not gonna say I'm proud of our reputation but you know... you get mad respect when you tell other people you from here. They fear you but at the same time they respect you and I like it that way. But I mean, that just depends on who you're talking too. Some people think because you're from a place like Chicago, Compton or Boston, you're automatically loud and ratchet. I'm not some hoodlum and Detroit isn't all ghetto, there are suburbs too, but whatever.

That's why I don't understand why we moving to bum ass Texas. It's hot as fuck down there and ain't nobody got time for that. So why my momma think I do? That's too much, my clothes are too damn hot to be living down there. She got a good job there I guess, so now I gotta leave all my homies and all the memories to go ride horses and chase pigs.😑

"Victoria! Get yo ass down here and put these bags in the damn truck." I swear my momma got some strong ass lungs yelling like she done lost her damn mind. I'm 15 and she treat me like I'm 11 sometime, but it's cool I'm gon be moving out soon. Soon as we get to Houston I'm getting me a job. "Didn't I just say get yo ass down here don't make me come up there because if I do!" I could picture her waving her figure in the air and I snickered.

"Alright ma chill" I ran down them stairs and before I even got of the next step I coulda sworn I was in Texas already. She smacked the dog shit outta me. Knocked my ass to our next destination.

"What I tell you bout talking to me like I'm one of yo hoodrat peers." She asked me looking deep inside my soul.

"Oh yea my bad ma, that reminds me though can I go down the street t? Mikey and them there and it's the last time I'm gonna see them." I replied, still rubbing my cheek, I knew that shit was red as fuck got me looking like some dang Hertz Ketchup or whatever it's called.

"Be back here by the morning when we're leaving ya lil retched." She called out after me, ignoring the fact that I didn't put any bags up. I already knew she was gonna say yes. "Love you more momma!" I yelled back from the top of the stairs 

I jumped in the shower after laying out some cute black distressed skinny jeans, my concords, a white polo shirt, and my MK watch on the bed.

I swear I'm always jamming in the shower acting like I'm Beyoncé twin singing my heart out. I reached my arm out of the shower and put on Dear Mama by Tupac and then started doing my  rap dance. "SHIT!" Next thing I know the soap on the bath rug outside of the bathtub and I'm on the bottom of it.

I hopped my ass up and almost fell again so I figured it was a sign to get the hell outta the shower. I turned the music off, ran butt naked and wet to my room, dried off and wiped myself down in my Bath and Body Works lotion. I got dressed and looked in the mirror, I'm a short yellow bone 5"2 with medium length curly hair, I'm what you would call slim thick because my thighs aren't that big but I got a little junk in the trunk, and  I have my big ass bungalow titties that run in the family.

I don't mean to be cocky but I don't even need to wear much makeup I'm naturally beautiful. I mean I was blessed by God and I had no problem showing it off. Everywhere I go I gain a fan or two and bitches can't help but to be mad.

I put my hair up in a bun, grabbed my wallet,  and rushed out the door before momma could. change her mind.

As soon as I step out and start walking down the street some random dude walked up to me from the opposite way. He bit his lip and looked up and down rubbing his chin like he was trying to pinch himself.  "What's yo name shawty witcho fine ass." The dude asked and the hot air hit me. His breath could heat the whole city during winter, shit the whole state if he kept it open long enough. His breath smelled like boiling chitlins and old tires. I looked him dead in the eye and dug in my pocket for some gum.  He licked the top of his mouth with his tongue and looked as I put it in his hand and sped walk to the next vacant park.

I pulled out my phone and called Micheal, aka Mikey, my first childhood best friend.

MikeyMouse<3 - Yea, I'm coming right now nigga

Before I could say anything he approached the park in his old but taken care of car to pick me up. I hung up the call and ran to him.  "Come on nigga, we going to the basketball court." I rushed into the passenger side and pulled him into a hug. He smelled like cinnamon and vanilla everyday and I had gotten use to the smell but I still loved holding him in long hugs just so I could take in his smell.

 Me and him and have been best-friends since we were 3 years old.  We met at the early preschool and started talking, honestly how do I remember this? My mom had picked me up late and came in to talk to the teacher. We were the only ones left and she asked him if he was going home. He looked at her and then looked away and she took him in for the night. His dad left him when he was born just like mine did. I guess that's why we're so close, we just understand each other. His mom got strung out on drugs when he was 12, she just couldn't handle raising a kid on her own, with no support is what he had told me. His Aunt came around for him sometimes but she wasn't a parent, so I had told him he could stay with me and my mom as long as he needed and he accepted, but he didn't stay very long.

A couple months later he just came home and said that he's moving out, didn't tell us where he got the money or where he's going,nothing, just packed his stuff and left. He told me he would never sell drugs because they hurt his mom. So I never found out what happened but of course he was still my best friend.

His car pulled in an alley beside the basketball court and I quickly opened the door and ran outside.  He came out too and wrapped his arm around my neck as we walked over to a wooden bench. "Trinity, Mikayla, DeAundre, and Miracle on the way here." He said as he sat his boney behind down. "Speak of the demons." I laughed as the crew walked up, "Yo wassup Vic!" DeAundre yelled just like my momma, if only I could find some tape strong enough to hold both of their mouths. "Hey Dee!" I yelled back not nearly as loud as him.

Miracle and Trin were balling their eyes out. I hadn't known Mikayla as long as I knew them so I could understand why she wasn't crying but it still seemed a lil weird, she wasn't showing no kind of emotion. Nobodies world revolves around me but I don't know, I'm probably tripping.

I hugged Miracle and Trinity and started crying with them.

I sniffled, "Ok moms said be back by morning so we got all day, what y'all wanna do?"

"You just had to leave the last week of summer, school not gonna be the same without you." Trin said through her tears. I heard Mikayla mutter something but I ignored it, she was acting really weird. "I'm sayin, but if I left when school started it would be hella weird for me, being at a new school and all."

I was gonna miss my fam, they were literally like blood to me.

"Why can't you just not leave us?" Miracle cried. "I promise I'll call everyday and text and facetime, but today I want to do something fun."

Miracle and Trinity sniffled and shrugged as they walked over to Dee and Mikey. They started whispering and me and Mikayla just stood on the basketball court without speaking. "Aye Mikayla why you ain't said nothin to me since you got here?" I asked her because I straight up wanted to know. "Oh my bad boo" she sniffled, "It's just I just met you and I already am attached to you, now you're leaving us," She wiped her eye of a single tear and I frowned.

She took a deep breath and stared at Mikey until he mouthed something to her. "Um, I gotta go." She started walking away and the rest of the crew followed her.

"Uh,yea I gotta go too." Dee said.

"Eh what she said."Miracle muttered.

"Biiii" Trin finished and Mikey walked away without muttering a word.

What the hell was going on! They know this the last whole day I have with them because I'm leaving tomorrow morning. They probably already replaced me anyway. A million thoughts clouded my mind while I walked home. Were they really even going to miss me? 

I called up my mom but she didn't answer, I should have just helped her unpack.


Authors Note

This is my first story and I know the first chapter is really short but comment what you think so I can decide if I'm gonna keep going or not

Excuse any mistakes please, I typed this on my phone.

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