Chapter 12: Open House

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Kyoto Rail Station 6:50 pm

After 50 minutes, Sasuke finally got to the railing station but once he onto the platform he noticed a little girl wearing a bag with the Uchiha symbol on it along with a lady with the Uchiha bracelet on her left hand standing on the platform as well. This made Sasuke raise his eyebrow and begin to walk over to them. Sasuke stands behind the little girl and puts his hand on her shoulder, this causes her to look at his hand then up at him. 

This took her by surprise and made the lady look beside her only to see that Sasuke smiling at them. Shirona then asked how comes he's in Kyoto without telling her which Sasuke informs her that he was attending a little meeting, but this caused her to pout since he never told her that he was in Kyoto. Sasuke rubs Shirona's head telling her he wanted to visit her, but he ran into an old classmate and Ayame called him to report something important. Izumi asks Sasuke if he enjoyed his brief time visiting Kyoto again which Sasuke replied by telling her that he did and asked her if Shirona doesn't have school tomorrow. 

Izumi then him that both she and Itachi had taken care of that, she also informs Sasuke that Shirona doesn't have school on both Thursday and Friday which causes him to smile a little. Shirona puts her left hand, making Sasuke look at her, knowing that she wanted something sweet from him but he then informs her that he doesn't have any on him, but he'll buy her something tomorrow on their home from school.

"You promise?" Shirona asked

"My word is my bond Shirona," Sasuke said

"Alright!!" Shirona said putting her arms in the air happily

As Shirona said that the rail train had arrived at the station but as the train doors opened the passengers on the train walked out. After all the passengers exited the train, everyone began to board the train Sasuke, Shirona, and Izumi all sat together on the train. Once everyone had gotten seated, the train left the station and headed to Kuoh Town. On their way there, both Sasuke and Shirona watched 3 episodes of Dragonball and Fate mid-night, they also played 3 matches of racing, shooting, and tactical games, while Izumi reads a scroll with the Uchiha clan markings about fire attributed to magic.

Kuoh Town (night) 8:46 pm

As the train reached the station, Izumi rolls up the scroll and put it away in her bag anyway as the passengers got up and started to depart the train. Once that happened Izumi exited the train while Sasuke, carried a sleeping Shirona off the train and walked off the platform then headed downstairs. As they reached downstairs, Sasuke is surprised to notice Ayame standing outside the train station in casual clothes waving at them.

Ayame runs over to them and hugs Izumi calling her big sister with a smile causing Izumi to hug her back, but Sasuke then asks her why is she out here, she then gave him the answer to his question. Ayame then asked Sasuke if they were ready to go, which he says that he is.

Sasuke's House 9:30 pm

"Home sweet home" Ayame said as she opened the door

"Mhm," Sasuke said walking inside with 

"This seems to have changed a bit since I was last here," Izumi said walking inside

As they all walked into the living room, Sasuke then requests Ayame to show both Izumi and Shirona the rooms they'll be sleeping in. Which she accepted, so he gives her Shirona while he carries the bags upstairs. As Ayame and Izumi reached the guest room door she asks Izumi to open the door for her which she does and walks in followed by Ayame then Sasuke.

Sasuke placed their bags on the floor while Ayame placed Shirona on the bed as they did that Izumi asks if it's ok for them to use this room which both Sasuke and Ayame said that it was alright. Sasuke then reminds Izumi that his room is across the hall and that Ayame sometimes sleeps with him, but hearing this doesn't surprise her.

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