Chapter 3 Part 3: Body Double

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                    - - - - TAMAKI LODGE- - - -     In Tamaki Lodge, all of the lights are off except for the fire place, which is roaring fire

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- - - - TAMAKI LODGE- - - -
In Tamaki Lodge, all of the lights are off except for the fire place, which is roaring fire. Scott sits in front the fire, with an exhausted look on his face. He looks up at the painting of his parents as they look down on him. As if they are scolding him for hiding his true feelings of what he wants to do

Scott: Mother, Father I'm lost. Apart of me wants to stop Betty and Veronica from doing this but another part of me feels Chuck deserves everything that's coming to him. Bettys hurting and God help me I wanna reach out and do something but after last time, I swore never to use my fist to harm others but seeing the pain and anger in Bettys eyes.What should I do?

Lightning Strikes, creating an eerie look upon on the paintings as their eyes continue to look down on Scott. He states at the painting, as if the painting is taking back at him. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He slowly opens and eyes and stares back at the painting

Scott: I know what I have to do.

Scott gets up, heads to his room, to change his clothes and than quickly heads out the door.

     - - - - MUGGS POOL HOUSE (OUTSIDE)- - - -
    Earlier that day, Scott over heard Betty and Veronica plan was to lead Chuck to Ethel Muggs Family pool house and convince to confess what he did to Veronica and the other girls. In the distance, Scott followed Ethel and when she arrive at the Pool house he hid in the distance. He sees Ethel leaving the Pool house with a grin on her face. Something was going on in there and Scott curiosity grows more and more. He than suddenly remembers that he and Jughead were supposed to question Dilton about shooting the Gun that day on July 4th. He opens his phone and dials Jug.

Scott: Hey

Jughead(On the Phone): Hey Dude where are you, Dilton's already here.

Scott: Yeah, you gonna have to fly solo on this one. Something came up that I gotta take care of

Jughead(On the Phone): Everything alright?

Scott: Hopefully...Tell me what Dilton says tomorrow at the Blue and Gold alright.

Jughead(On the Phone): Yeah cool, Talk to you later

Scott: Alright cool.

    Scott hangs up the phone and sneakily heads to the pool house. He looks to see if no one sees and makes it to the house. He look in ,through a window, to see Chuck, handcuffed in a hot tub, Veronica standing over him with her phone camera and Betty, wearing a black wig and lingerie pouring maple syrup on him. Scott is of two kinds of what he's seeing right now.

    Scott felt that Chuck deserved everything that was coming to him but he didn't know if this was the right way to get justice. Scott is getting ready to leave when he hears Betty yelling, He quickly turns around to see Betty heels on Chucks head. She was going to drown him. Scott's had enough, he pulls a black ski mask over his head and heads for the door.

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