Chapter 12 Part 1: Anatomy of a Murder

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            - - - - POP'S CHOCK'LIT SHOPPE- - - -   After the dance- -Scott, Veronica and Archie confront Betty,at POP's, about FP, potentially, being set-up

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            - - - - POP'S CHOCK'LIT SHOPPE- - - -
After the dance- -Scott, Veronica and Archie confront Betty,at POP's, about FP, potentially, being set-up.

Archie: Someone planted the gun... Jason's murder weapon, in a closet in FP's trailer.It wasn't there when we searched for it. He's being framed, Betty.

Betty: Well, maybe you didn't see it.

Veronica: We're not talking about the Vogue closet here, Bee...

Betty: Well, maybe you looked in the wrong one.

Veronica: It's a trailer with literally one closet.
There was no lockbox. No gun. Whatever Sheriff Keller is saying he found, it wasn't there.

Betty: Scott, do you believe them?

Scott: Yeah, yeah I do.

He holds Veronica hands as they look in each other's eyes. Betty and Archie notice this and give each other a look, to see if they were seeing the same thing. There is a slight hint of jealousy from Betty, who then loudly clears her throat to get back on track. This breaks Scott and Veronica out of there trance into each other's eyes.

Scott: Look, we need to tell Jughead his dad's innocent.

Archie: Where is Jughead?

Betty: I don't know. I tried calling him. I left him messages. He's not answering his phone. In the meantime... Should we talk to Sheriff Keller?

Scott: That should be the last thing we should do. We don't know how deep he's in with the Blossoms.

Betty: Than what do we do?

Archie: We should tell our parents.

Veronica: That we broke into FP's trailer?

Archie: My dad will know what to do.

- - - - ANDREWS HOME- - - -
Later that evening, The four friends,and there parents, came together at the Andrews residence to revel the truth of what happened in FP trailer.

Fred: You did what?

We had to make sure FP wasn't involved in Jason's murder.

Alice: And now we know the truth. He was.

Betty: What? Mom, no. We just told you. - The gun was planted. - By whoever kill Jason.

Hermione: Couldn't you have just missed it?

Alice: Yeah, excuse me if I trust the detection kill of an officer of the law over four amateur sleuths.

Scott: Well, these "four amateur sleuths" have done a lot more in this case than Sheriff Keller has.

Alice: Excuse me,young man, but I don't think you have any right to talk here. Besides, I don't even know why we're even entertaining this.

Betty: Mom, you're the one who asked Veronica to break in!

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