Chapter 5 Part 1: Heart of Darkness

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Jughead VO:  Every town has one

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Jughead VO:  Every town has one. The spooky house that all the kids avoid. Ours was Thornhill, the Blossom family's mansion, with its very own graveyard. And, trapped within its walls like some gothic heroine, was Cheryl Blossom. Still grieving for her beloved brother, Jason. Linked in death even as they were in life.

                           - - - - ALLEYWAY - - - -
   A woman is walking down the street at night, she walks pass a suspicious man who watches as she walk. When she crosses the man, the man follows her down the Alley, while also fidgeting with his pockets. The woman tries to speed up but the suspicion man comes up behind her throws her against the wall.

Woman: Please don't hurt me. Please...

Sketchy Man: Shh Shh it's gonna be okay baby. Now let's see where those legs lead up to.

   The Sketchy Man pulls out a switch blade, when suddenly The masked Vigilante comes up behind him and throws him against the opposite wall. The woman runs immediately, not wanting to see where this goes. The Sketchy man tries to stab him but the effort is futile when the masked vigilante grabs the hand with the knife and breaks it. The man screams in pain but it's immediately silenced when the vigilante grabs by the mouth and slams him on the ground and begins punching him repeatedly.

What feels like an eternity, The masked vigilante stops punching the sketchy man. He grabs the sketchy man by the collar and brings him up to his masked face to tell him something.

The masked vigilante: Spread the word about me.

He then slams the sketchy man back on the ground, bloodied and injured, and quickly disappears into the night.

                     - - - - TAMAKI LODGE - - - -
Scott is in his bathroom standing over the sink. He is currently washing the blood off of his hand, it's difficult for him to tell the difference between there blood and his. When he looks up at the mirror, he's comes to a hauls when he sees that he has a black eye that's incredibly noticeable.

Scott: Aw man.

Suddenly, his alarm goes off and he realizes that he's been up all night and now he has to get ready for school.

Scott: Damn.

             - - - - BLUE AND GOLD OFFICES- - - -
   Later at school, Betty,Scott,Jughead and Kevin are all at the Blue and Gold offices. In the office, is a murder board connecting everyone in town to Jasons murder.

Kevin: This is how my dad had his Jason Blossom murder board before it was trashed.

Jughead: Any leads on who did that? Or what they were looking for?

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