Chapter 10 Part 1: The Lost Weekend

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JUGHEAD VO: Weekdays,from : a

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JUGHEAD VO: Weekdays,from : a.m. to : p.m., we adhere to a strict regimen. Everything in our lives controlled.

- - - - RIVERDALE HIGH- - - -
Scott is sitting in class, writing notes for school. His scars have healed up the last couple of days but he still looks a little beaten up.

JUGHEAD VO: But then something like the murder of Jason Blossom happens, and you realize there is no such thing as control. There is only chaos.
- - - - BACK ALLEY- - - -
A couple of crooks are running for their lives. When suddenly, landing in front of them, The Knight appears. As he begins to slowly approach the crooks, they run the opposite direction.

Nevertheless, some of us strive to impose and maintain orderin what is, fundamentally, an orderless world. A fact which would very soon be confirmedin ways none of us could have foreseen.

- - - - TAMAKI LODGE - - - -
   Scott walks down the stairs, putting on his shirt, when he looks in the kitchen area to see Angus there, making breakfast.

Angus: Breakfast will be ready in three minutes boyo.

Scott: Thanks.

Scott takes a long sigh, and begins rubbing his eyes.
Angus comes to the table and drops a breakfast plate in front of Scott's face.

Angus: Long night?

Scott: Usual nights, nothing out of the ordinary.

As Scott begins eating, his phone begins to buzz. He checks it and sees that Veronica has texted him.

Angus: That Lodge girl again?

Scott: Yep... "Veronicas Check-Ins". The price I pay for disappearing.

Angus: Ahhh, young love.

Scott: Hey, nothings official alright. She's just a concerned friend, who learned that one of her friends was hit by a car and she wants to see if that...

Angus: Woah... hit by a car? That's your cover story?

Scott: What? Look it was the only thing I could think of alright? I'm headed for school, see ya later.

Angus: See ya boyo.

                 - - - - THE BLUE AND GOLD- - - -
Scott is sitting in the blue and gold, with Betty and Jughead, who are, still, trying to explain to him all the things he missed these past couple of days.

Scott: Ok, explain it to me one more time. But just a little slower.

Jughead: Ok, Cheryl invited Archie to go to some Blossom Maples Ceremony.

Betty: But he was also there to see how Polly was doing, since it seemed she chose the Blossoms over us.

Jughead: But actually, Polly was doing her own investigation on what happened to Jason and...

Scott: Ok can we get back to the Archie and the Blossom plot story please?

Betty: Right, sorry. So when Archie was about to leave he over heard Mr. and Mrs. Blossom taking about being the ones who arranged for Veronica's Dad to go to jail.

This was all so much for Scott to process. He had so many questions but just didn't have the strength to ask any more.

Scott: You know... I'm still lost about the whole Maple Tree thing but other than that I think I got it. Does Veronica know?

Betty: Me and Archie were just finna tell her.

Scott than slouched back in his chair,rubbing his eyes together. He felt bad that this happened to Veronica and wished she wasn't brought into this. Suddenly, a thought entered into his head.

Jughead: What is it?

Scott: What do we know about Veronicas dad?

Betty: All we know is that he's wealthy and powerful.

Scott: Powerful enough to make things happen behind bars?

Betty: You don't think...

Scott: I'm not sure, but what I am sure about is that we're much closer to the truth than I think we realize.

Scott was pleading the idea, how involved exactly was Veronica dad in this crime? And why does everything always seem to lead back to him?

                       - - - - CAFETERIA- - - -
   Later that school day, The gang,minus Jughead, are all sitting together at Lunch. This was the most normal thing Scott has done in the past couple of week... it felt weird.

Veronica: Anyway, enough about my drama. Betty, you were saying something about Jughead's birthday?

Betty: Yeah. Just that Mr. Jones told me Jughead's never had a birthday party. Let's have one for him. Like, a low-key surprise party. -

Archie: Uh, no, no. -

Veronica: That's a fantastic idea.

Scott: Is it?

Veronica: Yes, of course it is

Archie: Jughead doesn't like his birthday.

Veronica: Everybody says that, nobody means it.

Archie: Jughead is a lone wolf.

Scott: Yeah, a wannabe lone wolf.

Veronica: Okay. To Ignoring the negativity. Betty, you know me, any excuse to wear a cute party dress. -

Betty: Yeah.

Veronica: Okay, so I'm thinking a quaint gathering, inner-circle only.

Kevin: Oh, my God, don't turn around.

Suddenly, Everybody turns around to see Chuck Clayton walk in. Everyone at the the table is shocked, except Betty who is filled with rage.

Kevin: Holy Chuck, I think his lats got bigger. Not that I care, because he's evil incarnate.

Scott: What the hell is he doing back?

Veronica: He got suspended, not expelled. Even though he should have been drawn and quartered for what he did. Oh, my God.

Suddenly Betty gets up from her seat and walks over there. Scott is about to get up to stop her, but Veronica stops him before he could intervene.

Veronica: Hey, nows not the time to be Superman alright? You'll only make things worse.

Scott looks backs at Veronica, he could tell that she was still worried about him. Suddenly, there's a slam on the table from Betty. He was about to break free from Veronica grip, but Betty begins walking back to the table- - clearly shaken up.

Veronica: What was he doing? Accosting her?

Betty: No, he was... Apologizing.

Veronica: Oh, I'm so sure.Chuck Clayton doesn't have a contrite bone in his muscle-bound body.

Betty: You know what, can we talk about something else? Like... Like Jughead's surprise party.

Veronica: Betty?

Betty: Look, there's a lot I can't do, a lot I can't control. But I can damn well make sure my boyfriend has the best birthday of his life.

Archie: Screw it. I'm with Betty. My dad's away. We can do it at my house. We could all use a good time.

Veronica: Now you're talking my language.

Archie: Scott, you in?

Scott: Screw it, why the hell not right

Archie: It's gonna be epic.

It was gonna be epic, but not In the way that they think it will be.

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