Chapter 1

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I am already starting to slowly pack up my stuff as the clock hits 12:00 and my professor continues to talk as if we have all the time in the world

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I am already starting to slowly pack up my stuff as the clock hits 12:00 and my professor continues to talk as if we have all the time in the world. Who runs over on the first day anyways? Doesn't she know we have places to be?

"Alright everyone have a great weekend I will see you on Tuesday."

"Finally," I huff as I finish packing my notebook and stand waiting for the rest of the row to clear out.

"I hope she doesn't make keeping us over a regular thing," Maya comments, looping our arms together as we leave with Luna and Parker behind us. Every semester the four of us try to get at least one class together. This semester it is a nutrition class we are taking to fill our health elective.

"Me too, I have to get home to grab my stuff still before my ice time at 12:30."

"Oh no god forbid she is late to her ice time," Parker teases. Little shit, like I don't know he also has a private ice time booked twice a week at the same rink in town.

"Parker this is why you were bottom of the roommate pyramid again this week," Luna scolds, flipping him off as she leaves him and catches up to me and Maya.

"I am the heart and soul of our house. I make our whore house a whore home." The four of us are living together for the second year in a row in a 2 bedroom apartment right off campus. Maya and Parker share one room while me and Luna have the other.

"Do we have plans for tomorrow," I interrupt as we cross the street and Parker joins our little huddle. January in Michigan is never pleasant so we tend to travel like penguins around campus to stay warm.

"Hockey house is having a spring semester kick off party and to celebrate their current undefeated season," Maya says looking at us all hopefully.

She is met with three disgusted scoffs at the mere suggestion that we figure skaters would attend a hockey party. "When pigs fly," Luna tells her, gagging a little at even the thought.

"What is wrong with just going to a party at hockey house? I am not asking you guys to be their friends. Besides, they are all so cute. Come on, do you want me to die alone having never been crushed by the thick thighs of a hot hockey player?"

Parker skates his head in disappointment at her. "They may be hot but they're like public enemy number one Maya. I would love to see who bats for my team and also be crushed by one of them but we need to have standards."

"I don't get it," Maya whines. Parker, Luna and I are all figure skaters, but Maya isn't. She was adopted by Parker at a frat party the first week of freshman year and he pulled her into our group. Now she is our team manager and has learned a lot about the sport since meeting us but some things she just never gets.

"They smell," Parker tells her.

"They are loud," Luna adds.

"They ruin the ice," I chime in and the other two nod in agreement.

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