Chapter 19

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Walking out of my exam, I feel like literal death

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Walking out of my exam, I feel like literal death. I stayed up way too late studying, was a disaster at practice this morning, and forgot my food at home. Plus I still have another class, office hours, and my review session before I can actually go home. I honestly don't know how I am going to make it through today. As I turned my phone back on, a number of texts pop up, all from Ryder.

Ryder: Sorry you forgot your food, I can bring you food if you want.

Ryder: Good luck, Beck.

Ryder: How was your test?

Ryder: Are you still in your test? Shit that is a long exam.

Ryder: What size are your brothers?

Ryder: Alex/Stan said hi he hopes your day gets better.

Ryder: Do you think I'm annoying? Some chick just said my sneeze is annoying. Beck, do you believe this shit? The audacity.

My mood instantly lifts at Ryder's chaotic texts flooding my phone. I answer him quickly as I run to my office hours where I am sure students are already waiting impatiently.

Me: Test was good, but long as fuck. My brothers are like a M/L, I think. Tell Alex I said hi and I hope he has an awesome pawsome day. Also you are annoying but your sneeze has nothing to do with it Ry <3.

I can already see him pouting while reading my text calling him annoying, I am sure tomorrow at practice I will hear all about what a meanie head I am.

When I reach the math office I already have a line of students outside waiting for me. When they see me they attack like vultures, swarming me with questions before I can even reach the door. Their exam is next Monday so they're even worse than normal which sucks for me because I am even less in the mood to deal with them than I usually am.

They attack me for 2 solid hours and probably would continue if given the chance but at 2pm I kick them out so I can go hunt down lunch. Thankfully my scholarship comes with a meal plan so I head to the closest dining halls, even if their food isn't all that good. My biggest incentive to move off campus after freshman year was the food. I would rather cook my own than eat the shit they have. Not that is bad but compared to the fresh homemade pasta and food I had at home it sucked.

I eat lunch alone and use the time to do some work. I don't check my phone until I am walking to my four o'clock class. Of course the master of chaos has texted me since I hurt his feelings almost four hours ago.

Ryder: I am assuming you're lashing out because you're tired so I will ignore that. Anyways, I got my quiz back today. The one I told you about? I got an A. Also today at workouts Tobes spit in the garbage can and Coach told him spitters are quitters so now his new name is Spittsie. Oh and can you tell Luna that she hurt my feelings when she flipped me off this morning, I'm sensitive Beck.

How he has the time to write an entire book which each text is beyond me. Wednesdays are his busy days with morning workouts, 4 classes, and a scrimmage at night, yet he seems to have plenty of time to blow up my phone. I decide to keep my reply short and sweet before class starts.

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